MovieChat Forums > Between (2015) Discussion > Stopped watching when the white guy beat...

Stopped watching when the white guy beat up the black guy

made no sense and was completely unbelievable.


Because the rich kid might have taken martial arts for years while the poor black kid just worked on a farm. We know the smaller guy never wins in a fight.


That was my assumption too, but what bothered me like 3% was Gord went in thinking man I can take him. So yea it was 3% disappointing, but since I didn't care for them both, I was 97% indifference of who won.


So by your theory white guys can't beat up black guys?


Hmmm.... You sound like a RACIALIST to me.


What an asinine statement. So what you're saying is....that a black guy should always be stronger than a white guy just because of his race? Are you sure you aren't part of the incredibly delusional "Black Lives Matter" group or something? If so, you have no idea how stupid this statement makes you look.


I don't think he is saying the black guy should be stronger because he's black but stronger because the black guy is the town athlete and a hardworking farm boy. The black guy is pretty much the strongest guy left in town who can pretty much do everything, the white guy who is really skinny and small compared to the black guy beats the black guy up out of nowhere, it didn't look believable at all from a VIEWER stand point.

Why bring up "BLACK LIVES MATTER"? Black lives matter isn't a anti-white or pro-black group. It's just a movement to let the world see that black lives do matter it's like a cancer fundraiser, a cancer fundraiser isn't saying that other diseases don't matter it's just a movement that supports cancer just like black lives matter is a movement that supports black lives. One thing I hate about people is that they won't support anything unless it involves anything that's apart of them for example people won't support another race unless their race is mentioned or won't support a religion unless their religion is mentioned as well, sad world we live in.


Well said on both accounts. I was wondering what the hell Black Lives Matter had to do with anything as well. Yet these same type of folks are always crying about how sensitive black people are.


If you watch Higher Learning,it will all even out for you.


If you're saying this because Gord is bigger and taller than Chuck, he should've won... well, that's not how it always works.

And come on people, learn the characters' names. You're already on iMDB...


Scrappy just won out over put up your dukes, fair fightin' guy.


How many people have met teen farmers? They are normally very built and strong. That was Gord.
Chuck was a smaller spoiled rich brat, but it was mentioned he was on the school's hockey team.
But I thought there was a line where Gord mentioned something about not being good at fighting or confrontations.
In most cases I would give the farmer better chances over a scrawny hockey player, no matter the race of either, but Gord's lack of fighting ability was the reason he lost.
