MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > "Guardians of the Goofiness" are pure CR...

"Guardians of the Goofiness" are pure CRINGE in this

How are they not more hated? I was enjoying this movie until they showed up. The whole tone changed and the movie never got good again.


The Guardians were the best part of Infinity War from the moment they arrived singing Rubberband Man. Chris Pratt doing his best Chris Hemsworth stole the show. Can't wait for Guardians 3.


When I heard Rubber Band Man, I was glad they finally listened to a great song. I coincidentally figured out how to play that song on piano only a year ago, but then they started talking and ruined my excitement with their insipid drivel.


You’re in the minority. An extremely small contingent of people would agree with your comment.


That's not going to make me change my mind and become a sheep.


People who dislike Galaxy Guardians tend not to watch these movies... That's why you don't read about people hating them...


So in essence most Marvel fans think every Marvel movie is great automatically? It seems that way.


In a way... It's like a long running TV show... Say, something in it's 8th season.... So whomever is still watching will continue to enjoy it as long as they don't do something drastic...

But anyone remotely critical will have probably moved on for the most part....


No, but Marvel fans who do not like the Guardians of the Galaxy will probably not watch this one since it has, you know, the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Just a wild guess, but I tend to not watch movies with characters or actors I don't like.


Marvel is good when making movies like Iron Man 1, Avengers 1, and Captain America Civil War, but they can take GOTG and Ragnarok and shove it.


I don't like the Thor movies. I like Thor, but only when he's with the others. The Thor movies bore me.


Each to their own - I liked them most of the times. ;)


"How are they not more hated?"

I'll do you one better. Why is Gamora?


The tree and the rabbit are the only Guardians characters that don't make me want to walk out of the theater.


The comic relief from the GotG crew was one of the best elements of the film, IMO. I found their scenes enjoyable, and literally laughed out loud several times. I think it's mostly a minority of Marvel comics/movies snobs that look down their noses at such.....hmmmm, what's a word they would use? "Tripe!" They would probably use tripe....or "drivel".


Because all their mother's names are Martha, so no one can hate them anymore.


The Guardians are part of this film and I wouldn't have enjoyed it without them. They're part of this universe like it or not. I never read the books so I'm not invested in that part, however, the only part of them I can say I'm a little mad at is Mantis. I loved her story in the books with Libra and would have wished to have had her story be that. But considering Mantis and Libra came about due to the Vietnam War, can't have that so I look upon this more as a separate entity that really doesn't bother me. I've seen the film three times now and can state when they come up I have a huge smile on my face.
