MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Edit-Avengers IW...2nd Weekend Predictio...

Edit-Avengers IW...2nd Weekend Prediction/Projections-115 Million +(2nd best 2md Weekend ever)

box just released their forecast....They got AIW making 111 Million with a 57%....

Thats literally DEAD ON where I've been predicting, I thought anywhere from 55 to 58% would be the drop.....

My prediction is 105 to 115 Million....

what is your 2nd weekend prediction?


Extremely Early Projections have AIW coming in between 106 to 115 Million .....

This is exactly where I expected, Its nearly identical to Most MCU drops and CBM drops in their 2nd weekend....

A 55 to 60% drop is considered normal/Average for CBMs in their 2nd weekend, any thing less than 55% is above average holds, anything over 60% is Below Average Holds...

I've been saying since February I expect AIW to Open Huge, 1st I predicted 215 to 230 M, then changed to 225 to 250 M and stuck with that, but I expected AIW to open Huge(Higher than Black Panther) but then have complete Normal and Average Holds for the rest of its run...I expected a 55 to 58% 2nd weekend drop and the drops between 50 to 55% the rest of the way....

I think AIW Will come in closer to 115 M when the accurate numbers are given tonight or maybe even slightly higher....I'm expected between 110 to 120 Million...

regardless, AIW is on Fire...and A 650 Million+ dollar domestic total is looking extremely likely now, Not sure about 700 M, right now I'd say No on that....

Civil War and Age Of Ultron Both had 59% 2nd weekend drops, It looks Like AIW will have A Better Hold!


This looks to be taking a steeper dip than we thought earlier. Deadline's reporting feels like the mojo is running out on this one a bit.

This very well might end up with around 110 million but I'm sensing a dip that may bring this below 100 million. 97-98 million is what I would bet on. Call it purely a "gut-check".


queen for once just dont....

I get it, You want to troll, But your just getting too desperate here...

as of right now literally nothing points to a 97-98 Million dollar 2nd weekend

If that does happen, we can officially say AIW had a below average hold....

Right Now everything is pointing to a 105 to 115 2nd weekend, which is completely cant say its bad, its good

also you made this mistake on Black Panther remember, You jumped the gun and thought/Predicted Black Panther was going to come in way lower than expected(you even made a thread about it)...and I reminded you, So far at every point Black Panther came in ABOVE projections, There was no reason to think the 2nd weekend wouldnt too....and of course BP ending up coming in way above Projections again in its 2nd weekend...

and I bring this up because......So far AIW has done the same thing, at every point during its run so far, Its come it ABOVE projection,Frday. Saturday and Sunday, It came it Higher than the projections...

lol for some reason your predicting it to come in LOWER than Projections(Not Impossible) but also not what its history has been so far...

I expect AIW to come in between 110 to 120 M....if it does, PLease for once Just DONT...Just dont even try to troll....

keep in mind....if Avengers comes higher or lower, whatever tactic you try to take to troll.....the end result is, your trolling on a film that is guaranteed to make between 1.8 to 2 Billion +...

just stop and think about that...yes if AIW has a larger than expected 2nd weekend drop, I know its going to excite you and you'll want to troll...But the facts are, ITS TROLLPROOF...Its going to be the either be the 3rd or 4th highest grossing film of all time, It broke the biggest and most important Box office records there is, Its guaranteed to gross over 600 Million domestically...and Will gross at least 1.2 Billion overseas...

Please try to keep this in prospective when/if AIW has Average drops and you decide to troll....

I know you;ve been waiting for this, you set up about 3 weeks after BP came out....Once you finally gave up on Trolling BP, you changed tactics and decided to use BP to troll on AIW and started talking about how disappointing it would be if AIW doesnt beat BP...

I know you are ready and waiting to Jump on That "AIW didnt top or out gross BP" train....Unfortunately that Train was derailed with AIWs first weeks Box office Records

but I know your just sitting waiting, waiting for the second weeks box office to come in and start the "Having Bigger drops than Black Panther, how disappointing, looks like AIW is already losing steam" theads

for most, they would even try this, not after what Avengers has made, and most importantly most can see AIW is heading to a 1.8 to 2 B total...Most would feel deeply embarrassed and simply wouldnt even try to troll... but your not most...You are defined by Your deep, unnatural hatred for Disney...and that Hatred is going to drive you to do Desperate and shameful acts, I have no doubt by this time tomorrow, you will have already made threads try to troll on Avengers IW 2nd weekend.but try to keep it in prospect, I know how desperate you are, I know you truly have no Pride, You truly will go to any length..but the facts are, You are Trolling on a TROLL PROOF film, when you start freaking out tomorrow because AIW had around a 55% drop, when you start trying to claim its awful and disappointing, just know, Your talking about a film that is Ultimately going to be The Highest grossing CBM ever produced in The Genre, A Film that May end up being the 4th ever to gross over 2 Billion, your talking about a Trollproof smash hit

if there is ever a time or movie where sitting this one out is a good idea, its this point Trolling can ONLY result in embarrassment for you

PS were also talking about a film that May TRIPLE Justice League in Box office....

you are about to start trolling on a film that LITERALLY is going to make 3 time as much as Justice League...


You are somehow going to try and claim AIW is a disappointment because of a normal 2nd weekend drop...thats what your going to be doing all day tomorrow...

again I say though, maybe before you do, Keep it in prospective....

AIW was made on a 300 Million dollar going to gross between 1.8 and 2 Billion dollars

Justice League was made for the exact same 300 Million and Grossed 658 Million...

Yet you relentlessly defend JLs box office for 3 months, and are about to start trolling AIW...

lol let this one cant win....Disney Won Here queen....Theres nothing you can do or say to change that...

You can only makes things worse for yourself....


If AIW top 111 Billion million dollars in its 2nd weekend....It will be the 2nd highest grossing 2nd weekend of all time....

and yet your going to try and spin it into a negative....these are things you need to think about queen...are you going to let your hatred for Disney forcing to troll on a TROLLPROOF film?

are you really going to try and claim A Film with The biggest Opening Weekend ever, 2nd biggest 2nd weekend ever and will finish as the 3rd or 4th highest grossing film of all time is anything but A Colossal success?

lol horrifically...the answer to that is


This looks to be taking a steeper dip than we thought earlier.


Lastly.....are you speaking 100% from your prospective here.....

Because for the life of me, I have no clue what your talking about....

If I'm not mistaken, AIW is Literally coming in EXACTLY where everyone thought and Predicted in its 2nd weekend

Box office Mojo predicted a 116 Million second weekend

Box predicted 111 Million 2nd weekend

right now projections are 105 to 115...Literally exactly where everyone thought....

So again I ask....are you intentionally Lying here, are you trying to make it seem like the expectations were higher or did you simply just misspeak, when you say "This looks to be taking a steeper dip than we thought earlier."....are you really just speaking for YOURSELF?

did you expect AIW to make more ?

You realize YOU doesnt mean everyone right?


nice try queen....unfortunately the facts OWN you...

Maybe if Box office Mojo and predicted 125 and 128 M....

Then ya you could claim its coming it "Steeper" than expected...

But instead the facts are against you....AIW as of right now....Is coming in LITERALLY exactly where everyone expected....

Epic Fail


This very well might end up with around 110 million but I'm sensing a dip that may bring this below 100 million. 97-98 million is what I would bet on. Call it purely a "gut-check".


No I'm just gonna call it you being you....You know,you given Awful predictions....

to add even more Absurdity to your predictions....New projections coming in have Avengers at 115 to 120 Million(as I predicted)

Gitesh Pandya
‏ @GiteshPandya
4h4 hours ago

Source tells me #AvengersInfinityWar might be heading to low 30s for its 2nd FRI today. Wknd #boxoffice may get near $120M for a remarkable 2nd wknd hold as drop could end up under 55% beating recent #Marvel films from early MAY. Domestic cume would shoot past $450M by SUN.


do a little research before making god awful predictions queen...

lol you did see where the box office analyst said " A remarkable" hold right.....just something else for you to consider when your desperation gets the best of you tomorrow and to try to troll and spin AIWs 2nd weekend into a negative...


when will you learn from your mistakes?

you did the exact same thing with Black Panther....and I mean IDENTICAL....You jumped the gun and Predicted some crazy low sub 100 Million 2nd weekend, that went completely against the box office history of the film

both BP and AIW came in above Projections at every point, and Yet in Both case you predicted them to have massive drops and come in Below projections during their 2nd weekend

did you at least look at AIWs history before typing 97 to 98 Million?

did you even look to see if AIWs had a history of coming in below projections?

did look at last weekends Fridays results to see if AIW came in Below or higher than Early projections? did you look at Saturdays? Sundays?

did you really just shoot in the dark? did you really just want AIW to have a huge drop so you then predicted it and tried to wish it into reality?


when i did my prediction of aiw's opening weekend, i was conservative & said it would come in around $220m or so, i believe.

now, i'm going to say 118m for wknd #2, partly because i think they're being a touch conservative in their own projections, perhaps mainly because i think there's no harm in me overshooting to offset my initial low-balled number.


Since you love all things DC/Marvel and box office numbers, have you done any research on the increase of box office numbers since the advent of Avatar and 3d ticket price increases? It would be interesting to see if there is a correlation between the recent (within the last 10 years) record breaking films and the advent of 3d films becoming popular and thus an increase in ticket admission price and overall box office results.

For example, Titanic was number 1 domestic for 10 years or so far outpacing #2, but since Avatar broke its domestic record in 2009 the top 10 all time domestic has changed a lot. Is this due to an increase in ticket prices because 3d charges much more and thus increases in box office numbers?


Since you love all things DC/Marvel and box office numbers, have you done any research on the increase of box office numbers since the advent of Avatar and 3d ticket price increases? It would be interesting to see if there is a correlation between the recent (within the last 10 years) record breaking films and the advent of 3d films becoming popular and thus an increase in ticket admission price and overall box office results.


I do know some things about this....From the time Avatar came out until late 2013, 3D tickets sales were very good and were responsible for Many films grossing between 100 to 200 Million MORE in box office, If I remember right, I read an article in 2012 where , 3D sales added another 200 Million + to The Avengers Gross, and IMAX sales added like 50 Million to The Dark Knight Rises...

since late 2013 though, 3D sales have been dropping drastically, the Overwhelming Majority see in as A Gimmi now...and Most only see 3D films only if they were shot for 3D....

Between Avatar and Late 2013, 3D was on fire and Every Major studio were doing Post 3D conversions(not on ever films, but most of The Big ones), even delaying films because they knew 3D would bring in more money

The absolute best example of Avatar effecting a film is Alice In Wonderland....It was the first Major release to come out following Avatar that was in 3D....Audiences had such an Insane and Great experience with Avatar, a few months later When Alice hit, Alice Drastically over performed because so many people wanted to see another film in 3D(unfortunately Alice was Converted to 3D and wasnt nearly as great) but it resulted in The film Making over 1 Billion dollars, most expectations were around 400 to 500 Million before release, but given The Avatar effect, and being the first film after Avatar it exploded, in 2016 a sequel was released, In didnt even make 300 Million, point being Avatar/3D was 100% responsible for Alice in Wonderland making 1 Billion +

Also worth noting almost the exact same time a remake of "Clash Of The Titans" was released....It too was converted to 3D and was one of the first films released in 3d after Avatar...It too drastically over performed.....then a few years later a sequel came out and it made Half of what "Clash" made....once again Avatar/3d was 100% responsible for "Clash" making so much money...

from Early 2010 until and late 2013 , probably 50 to 60% of all Blockbusters were converted to 3D and definitely resulted in the films and Studios making more money...

but by late 2013, The Audiences fully understood the different between "Converted to 3D" or "Filmed in 3D"...and since 2013...3D sales have Plummeted...

to your overall question....I think between 2009 and 2013....Movies that were coverted to 3D....did get a Huge bump in Box office....I think 3D added like 15 to 20% on to there box office...again I remember specifically reading that The Avengers would have made around 1.3 Billion Without 3D sales...

so if a movie in 2011 made 500 Million, 3D tickets maybe counted for 75 to 100 Million in additional money...

as of 2014 to now....I have to clue...Id be stunned if 3D tickets even count for 10%(they could, I just would be surprised)

9 out of the 10 highest grossing movies of all time have been in the last 10 years...that has everything to do with just MUCH more expensive tickets(Not really 3D tickets but just regular tickets)...films in the 2000s, 90s, 80s, just have no chance of remaining in The top 10 or 20 spots anymore, because tickets are now double or triple the amount...

Avengers IW....Probably got a maybe a 10% bump from 3D sales on Its domestic opening Weekend, The Biggest bump came from IMAX....


That's really interesting that they could contribute that much additional. I am kind of glad that it has calmed down. For the last year or so I have stopped going to 3d showings. Just kind of tired of wearing the glasses, but I do love Imax.

OMG I haven't thought of Clash of the Titans in forever lol, not a fan of that one.

Maybe there will be another big trend when Avatar 2 comes out.


Maybe there will be another big trend when Avatar 2 comes out.


I think 3D(or at least 3D conversions have run thier course)....Avatar 2 Is going to be entirely Shot in 3D, It has a very good chance of getting audiences back again, because A. They had such an amazing experience with Avatar 1 and B. audiences are going to know Avatar 2 is shot in 3D and NOt Converted...

I dont want to say no 3D films are going to have success, but IMO Just the ones that are shot Entirely in 3D(which is very few)are going to have Great success

Right now, and the last 3 years, 3D films that have been coverted in Post Production(which is literally 90% of all the 3D films coming out) just have to bad of a rep., Audiences got sick very quickly of bad post productions 3D Conversions which resulted in the Films being extremely dark and not very good 3D....there are some good 3D Conversions, Cameron's Titanic was a Great 3D conversion, Transformers Dark Of The Moon was a great one too(It had some scenes shot in 3D, some of the biggest action sequences were shot with the exact cameras used form Avatar) these scenes were incredible, but even the rest of the scenes that werent shot in 3D, had a good conversion.

I'm not sure what Avatar 2 can do....because IMO the only way 3D will become hot again is if Studios decide to start shooting films with 3D cameras(which wont happen because its too expensive)...I just dont see audiences ever buying into to 3D again as long as Studios are going with these Post Production conversions...

to really make a great 3D film and make the experience great for the Audience,,,You literally have to plan is from the beginning, you got to write the script around Great Action Sequences and design those action sequence directly for 3D, where thing pop out and come at you...thats why most 3D conversion dont look very good, because Nothing about the film was made for 3D, the action sequence dont have anything designed to pop out...


... those attempts at making the success of MCU films seem not-so impressive by bringing in the inflation arguments. Cute.

Any way you slice it, Infinity War is a monster hit. Peeeeeeeriod.

As for its second weekend, it’ll make far more than the Justice League made in its opening weeked (come on, let’s stop being trivial by dragging the ultra dark, gritty and super cool grown up DC into this). That I am sure of :D


I didn't say it wasn't impressive and I wasn't limiting it to the MCU. I was saying that the top 10 domestic box office has jumped around a lot in the last 10 years with the advent of 3d tech and billbrown is an advent fan of box offices numbers so I was looking for his perspective on it or if he has done any research on 3d sales. There are plenty of other non-MCU films that have broken the top 10 recently e.g. three Star Wars films. Titanic had such a huge lead on the next film for a long time and 500 mil domestic seemed almost impossible to get, but now in the last 10 years, we have multiple movies achieving it which I find interesting.

AIW should break the top five all time domestic I imagine.

Who cares about Justice League, what records did that film break? I only mentioned DC because I believe BvS had a record breaking opening weekend when it released and TDK is in the top 10.


AIW on Pace for a Opening Weekend between 112 to 115 Million...

its going to be between a 53 to 55%...which is an above average Hold and Very GOOD for a film opening with 257 Million...

Its also Much better Holds that BOTH Civil War and Age Ultron, BOTH Fillms dropped 59% on thier 2nd weekends...

this look very good for AIWs entire run...with a hold like this....AIW should have Holds around 50% the rest of the way...

A 650 Million dollar + domestic gross is Guaranteed
