MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Spider-Man having an armoured suit. Pass...

Spider-Man having an armoured suit. Pass or fail?

This has been an point of contention for spidey fans. His suit really is only about agility, nothing else. A spider is a very light creature, with amazing strength to weight ratio. So an armoured suit is a little bit of a contradiction.

Then there is this sense that Tony Stark is stage managing him too much. A hero’s journey is normally their own, with “the mentor” role being a wise old man, retired etc, from their own world.

So Tony is dressing him now? Sugar daddy territory as well.

So in conclusion, I’d say the idea to give Spider-Man an armoured suit was a fail.


Juding by the trailers, before seeing it fully in action. I thought it was a terrible idea. But I actually liked the spider legs, it looked good.

I could do without the suit, but it was better than expected.


The spider legs was like fixing a problem that didn’t exist.


True. That's why I said I could without the suit as a whole. But at least it is an addition that is pertaining to the character. It's not like they decided to give Captain America a cape.


Plus it’s not a superpower if it’s technology based.


As a 52 year old, I hated it. But, I understand some kids were first exposed to Spider-Man in this armor so I grudgingly accept it


I liked the armored suit.


It was fine for what it is imo. I didn't really like his regular tech suit that he got from Stark in Homecoming because I think it downplays the characters abilities. I didn't like that he depended on the suit for so much. I would have rather had that he had his own spidy suit, but for AIW Stark hooks him up with the Iron Spider suit for this film alone to battle Thanos. I guess they just wanted to do something different and it was alright.


I don’t think a spider needs armour.


The Homecoming suit was the suit Tony gave him to help in Civil War. Tony also took it away from him in Homecoming, and it was written that way specifically for the reasons you described. They didn't want him too reliant on a tech suit, so they had him prove himself without it.


Yeah I get that they had the whole arc of taking the suit, but they also gave it back to him. What I meant in downplaying his abilities is that it gave him a lot of spy tech like super hearing or vision. In Homecoming, I thought the suit acted like his spidey-sense so I originally thought they weren't going to give him any. However, after watching AIW, he clearly has spidey-sense. I guess I just don't like the idea that he didn't design it.


My take on it was they wanted the Civil War/Homecoming suit to perfectly represent Spidey's eyes in the comics, but in order to explain such a thing they needed to add some tech to it.

I'm definitely in agreement that the Iron Spider wasn't necessary, but he does get it in the comics (2007 I believe). It's like they wanted to have both worlds... utilizing Tony to upgrade Peter's suit similar to the comics, but also wanted high school Peter who had been underrepresented in film. In order to get both, they had to fast-track Peter's progression. It may not be the best choice, but I get the logic behind it.


I was already vastly disappointed with the whole suit thing in Spiderman: Homecoming. Spider-man is awesome for his wits, spider-sense, webs, agility and strength. More or less in that order. Notice how there's no Iron Man Jr. suit, nor Iron Man mentor mentioned there. :p

However, once I stopped looking at him as the "true" spider-man, I've started liking it/him alot better. Tom Holland is very likeable in the role they made for him, and the mentor thing kinda works. So while this was a problem for me, I've mostly gotten over it.

But if I could choose, I'd have gone with the ordinary spidey suit, and had more focus on his own abilities instead. ;)


I think it's served it's purpose well for the fight on Titan and we probably won't end up seeing it again.


I agree. The vintage Spider-man costume is the best. I do like the Iron Spider costume though.


For the Infinity War it worked, given the circumstances and the enemy something more than just "fabric" was surely needed. But as a regular suit for his standalone movies this is a big NO as cool as it was.


Well the Iron Spider suit was in the comics, so it's not like Peter wearing it hasn't been seen in the comic pages or that it's never been alluded to before. I thought it looked cool!
