MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Looks like it won't match Black Panther ...

Looks like it won't match Black Panther domestically.

112 million weekend and a much weaker hold than BP plus Deadpool 2 opening in 11 days sucking up all the oxygen.

It had a hot little run those first five days though. should clear 600 million without too much trouble.


and your desperation has begun!

this was my favorite part...."It had a hot little run those first five days though"

lol I knew you were just waiting to jump on the "It isnt gonna top BP train" it must of been painful for you to have to wait 12 days to do it....

but you do realize its going to BEAT BP is every other Possible way right?

at least try to keep your SAD and pathetic Trolling in Prospective

PS nice call on AIW having a 97 to 98 Million second Weekend....

Also just to be clear, as I know you've been preparing to jump on the "AIW isnt going to make as Much as BP" train for a good 3 months now, again to keep things in prospective, Your not claiming anything about AIWs box office is disappointing right?

your just out of desperation because You hate Disney grasping at the Single straw you got right?

at this point, LITERALLY the only possible thing you can troll on Is..."Its not going to top Black Panther Domestically"

your not in any way though going as far as saying anything about AIWs record breaking box office that will ultimately lead to it being the 4th highest grossing film of all time, the highest grossing CBM ever made and a total gross between 1.650 to 1.8 Billion is disappointing right?

again I know you set this up 3 months in advance, once BP became so successful that you finally had to give up trolling, you immediately started trying to Use BPs success to troll on AIW going with "its going to be a Huge disappointment if AIW doesnt top AIW"

but your not actually going there are you?

Also remember now, Your a big fan of Universal, and Universal has JW 2 coming up...which is very likely to not open anywhere near JW1 DOMESTICALLY or make anywhere near the total of JW1....but you know your going to want to spin whatever the results are into a big hit...

so again I say, keep your trolling in Prospective...You cant claim because AIW got out grossed by BP by maybe 50 to 60 Million domestically its a Huge disappointment....

and then claim JW2 is a HUGE hit when it comes up nearly 100 to 150 Million short of JW1 and BP domestically....


The facts are AIW is going to beat BOTH The Avengers 1 and Black Panther in every way possible, except BP domestically

AIW beat BP and A1 opening weekend

AIW Will beat BOTH A1 and BP overseas

AIW will beat BOTH A1 and BP in total box office...

JW2 Will fail to top JW2 in anyway....It will have a much lower opening weekend, wont get close domestically and Wont get close WW...

But You'll still praise JW2 ...

so again I say, keep your trolling in Prospective....

If you just want to point out, AIW isnt going to top BP.....thats fine and an accurate statement....but if your going to in any way suggest its a disappointing result or AIWs box office is anything but incredible....Not only are you being delusional but YOUR CUTTING YOUR OWN throat when it comes to Universals JW2...

basically the anything you say about AIW Not beating BP....should also apply to JW2...

JW1 opened Higher than BP...

JW1 had a larger domestic total Than Avengers 1 and Larger World Wide total than both A1 and BP...

Theres no reason why JW2 shouldnt top JW1 and get close to BPs box office, especially domestically...

Bottom line...If you try to claim AIW domestic box office is disappointing for not topping BP and coming up maybe 50 M short....then YOU are going to have to admit, JW2 box office is a total failure if/when it doesnt get within 100-150 Million of BPs box office

you never think about these things when you troll queen...You just get to excited because your also so angry at the success of Disney...But once again...But trying to troll On Disney/AIW, your going to end up DOOMING A Film you love in JW2


"PS nice call on AIW having a 97 to 98 Million second Weekend...."

Yes, and congrats on your 120+ million call. I do see that you at least had the decency to edit your headline on your thread to reflect the new and diminished 112 million.

Btw...I don't hate Disney...I LOVE Disney but facts are facts regardless of what we love. This was a BIG drop.


Yes, and congrats on your 120+ million call.


actually pretty sure by exact call was....110 to 120 Million....which I Nailed, but even If you go with 120....I got CLOSER than YOU!.........another win for old billbrown....

This was a BIG drop.
naw it was completely normal....

a big drop is over 60%....

Normal for Blockbusters and especially CBMs are between 55 to 59%.....AIW had a 56% drop, and if you'll notice there isnt one box office site of analyst saying anything even remotely bad, instead they are saying its a good, why? because they understand box office and understand what the difference is between "normal" and "Big Drop"

This is not an exaggeration...There is nothing factual about saying "AIW had a Big Drop"

In order to have a "Big Drop"... by definition the Result has to be ABOVE normal.....AIWs 56% drop is at the limit of Normal, almost pushing an ABOVE average hold...

for you to claim AIW had a BIG drop....the movie needed to drop anywhere from 59 to could then factual say...It had a BIG drop, because a 59%+ drop is HIGHER than the Average...

you are intentionally exaggerating AIWs drop due to your extreme hatred for Disney and because you are desperate to troll...

you know it doesnt look good to say, "Well AIW had the 2nd best 2nd weekend of all time with a 56% drop that is right in line with MOST CBM's"

instead your desperate and are trying to Spin it to "AIW isnt having ALL TIME great holds like BP and had a BIG 2nd weekend drop"

The truth doesnt fit your needs, so you are intentionally LYING for the sole purpose of meeting your trolling needs....

also, I find it funny that you'd didnt realize the contradicting nature of this thread...By Making this thread you basically proved, that no matter what happened you'll always change your stance and opinion and Standards...

and what I mean is...this time 3 months made the same Trolling thread, trying to troll on Black Panther for not having Avengers 1 type holds...

Well, you jumped the gun, BP did end up having BETTER than Avengers 1 type holds....Yet you never acknowledged it

the facts are Black Panther did exactly what you were claiming it wasnt going to do....

You made it seem like it was disappointing and you werent impressed because BP wasnt having Avengers 1 type holds...yet when it eventually did, You never acknowledged it and your trolling/stance never changed

and now here, You just moved the goal post, Now your claiming, "Nope AIW didnt have BP holds, so its disappointing"

lol why does it matter what the HOLDS are if your opinion never changes?

It doesnt matter if AIW has BP holds or not, Your stance wont change....

If AIW did in fact have BP holds....instead of admitting that its great....You'd just Use AIW to troll on the next MCU film...

again I ask Will you immediately make a thread within in 10 minutes if JW2 fails to open as High as JW1?...

Will you make a thread within 6 mins if JW2 has a worse drop than JW1 in its second weekend?

Will you make a thread when JW2 doesnt get within 150 Million dollars of JW1 total domestic Gross...

your definition for success seems to drastically change with films you like and films you dont...

JW1 and JW2 should have the same expectations as BP and The Avengers...

JW1 opened to 208 Million...Avengers opened to 207 M

BP opened to 202 M......JW2 should open similar

JW 1 was More successful than The Avengers in every way...bigger OW,bigger domestic total,Bigger WW total...

you made it very clear that you were disappointed if BP didnt have Avengers 1 type holds....

why is it that you expect BP to out perform The Avengers 1...Yet when JW2 doesnt get within 150 Million of JW1s domestic total, You'll praise it...

When Deadpool 2 comes out, If it has a 2nd weekend drop that is 56% or more are you going to make a thread within 6 mins claiming it had A "BIG DROP"

I dont mind trolling....I really dont, I just for some reason expect clever trolling...

and your trolling doesnt make sense...every single thing you troll about goes directly against even YOUR OWN beliefs...


you Literally forget or cant keep track of what you say it past trolling threads, and then your newest trolling attempt end up contradicting your past rolling attempt

you dont think when you troll and say things that then DAMN your future and past trolling attempts...

I've just never seen anything like it...there are ways to come up with clever trolling tactics to get your point across that then dont Damn Future and Past Trolling attempts

for example...This same thread could have been made like this.

"Well AIW had A good second 2nd weekend with 112 Million, It had Much better holds than AOU and CW but didnt have Black Panther type holds, but I think it can get over 600 Million before DP2 comes out and dominates,"

here you disguise your trolling but get across the same exact points you want to make, You point out AIW didnt have Black Panther Type Holds and Point out DP2 is coming and is gonna take over, those are the points you wanted to make, thats why you made this thread.

But by disguising, You do it by

A. NOT LYING(You just Lied by saying AIW had a Big drop)

and B. you do it by NOT DAMNING future and Past trolling statements you've made(your now going to have a hard time claim JW2 is a huge hit if it has 56% or worse drops in its 2nd weekend)

but there is no way to Disguise "Thats a Big Drop"....Because its not an accurate simply just made up a complete lie...

Theres no way to cleverly disguise a complete made up lie...

you could have done the same thing with your SOLO thread where you created a horribly failed troll thread claiming SOLO needed to make 800 Million to Break even because it had a 300 Million budget, had been reshot and spent 100M + on marketing....You could have made that thread in a clever way that did DAMN Justice League...

Instead you made it in such a terrible way..that you can never claim JL is a hit again
lol You tried to troll on BP by suggesting Disney must be disappointed after Wrinkle flopped and DEVOURED some of BP profits, But never once at any point thought about the consequences of this awful trolling never once thought how this ODD Scale would stack up compared to Films you like...

you claim Disney must disappointed after having Black Panther Make 1.3 Billion + and then having Wrinkle flop and DEVOURED some of BP profits

but didnt even think about how WB must be on Suicide watch after having Wonder Woman make 820 M and Then Having JL flop and Lose WB at least 60 M

or never contemplated the bigger picture of Disney Producing 10 hits to 1 flop in 2017 and 2018(including 3 Billion dollar + movies and 4 800 Million + movies)...

to WBs near 50/50 % rate of FLOPS to hits that DEVOURED every cent of profit made from Wonder Woman....

Honestly all I ask is try to be Clever....Think about your trolling before hitting "ADD Reply"

This reason I brutally ABUSE you is because you deserve be this bad at trolling...To literally not be able to troll one time without DAMNING films you Love or contradicting past trolling is just beyond anything I've ever seen...

and Most Importantly....dont LIE....Its one thing to be awful at trolling....But theres just no place in TROLLING for making up complete LIES.

the point of trolling is to say things that have some truth to them/to spin things that can get under peoples skin...

but You just straight up get so angry, Jealous and excited...You'll just make up a complete LIE to ease your pain..."Thats A Big Drop"....

you've just got to be better than that....


Yes, and congrats on your 120+ million call. I do see that you at least had the decency to edit your headline on your thread to reflect the new and diminished 112 million.


lol and just had to EDITED it again to Reflect the New IMPROVED 115 Million 2nd Weekend....

Once again you JUMPED the gun again queen.....AIW once up came in ABOVE PROJECTIONS....

how many times do you have to make the same mistake?

lol My 110 to 120 Million Prediction is looking pretty great now queen, meanwhile your absolutely AWFUL and Not even in the realm of possible 97 to 98 predictions continues to LOOK WORSE and WORSE...

Please dont disappear again for a week....

lol I find it quite telling that You made NO POSTS and made very few replies the 12 days AIW was breaking box office records, Its clearly you were extremely angry and upset, You only returned because you JUMPED the gun and THOUGHT AIW was going to have a Bad 2nd weekend, but thats now been taken from you too.....So again I say dont disappear again....

I'd rather you be here being a terrible troll and making desperate post than hiding out of shame and anger...


Also didnt you make this exact same thread with BP after its second weekend?

Deadline new projection is 92 million for 54% drop.
posted 2 months ago by QueenFanUSA (744)
34 replies | jump to latest

It's not a bad hold but it's not fantastic, either.

Better than AOU but not as good as Wonder Woman or Avengers 1.


and hilariously....BP ended up having better holds than BOTH!

You just get way too excited Queen....

jump the gun way too fast...

its also quite funny how you Literally make threads in record time when You believe your getting the results you want...

I mean my god, With 6 minutes of box office sites reporting the totals of AIW box office today you made this thread.....I remember 3 months ago when you made this horrible FAILED "92 M" thread, I even replied with my god that was fast, They literally just report Early Projections like 10 Mins ago...

point being, You literally have to be sitting at your computer, hitting refresh every couple of seconds, waiting and hoping for BAD box office results...

which brings me to my next point...Last weekend must have been awful for you!....I cant imagine how horrible it was for you sitting at your computer, hitting refresh every couple seconds, waiting on Results to come in, Hoping and praying they would be BAD, and Instead they are RECORD Breaking....

I mean, really, These 2 threads, The BP "92 M" and Now this thread, they prove you've must have had a Miserable 3 months....

You made these 2 threads in record time, Literally within 5 to 10minutes of box office results being reported....proving you are just sitting at you computer OBSESSING over the results hitting refresh waiting....and Lets face the last 3 months would ONLY result in PURE hell for you.

You've had to watch Disney have ALL TIME success with both BP and AIW...

You've had to watch PR2 flop, Tomb Raider Flop and RPO disappoint

Literally every single result you've wanted has NOT Happened...

which is disappointing enough but given how OBSESSED you seem to be, giving that you are clearly just sitting at your computer in A Disney Hate fueled rage, Literally hitting refresh waiting on results to come in....this has to be PURE HELL...

lol I'm just SMILING thinking about what last sunday morning must have been like for clearly got up early, started hitting refresh every 30 seconds waiting for AIW's opening Weekend results to come in...You had to be very nervous because you knew it was going to be close...But given your hatred for Disney, you also had to be HOPING and PREYING it came in under the record, I'm sure you already had your "Well it had a Nice 2 days but failed to top The Force Awakens" troll thread typed and were just waiting to hit "Add Reply"....

and waiting and waiting....and then it hit refresh...The NIGHTMARE Begin....AIW broke the record...sending you into a Rage and depression ...

seriously what did you do? were you drinking coffee? did you throw the cup?....did you snap your keyboard in half? get up a punch a wall?

You dont make threads as fast as you, if your not literally sitting there waiting on The results....

and Hilariously 99% of the time, that has resulted in PURE HELL FOR YOU...

Next time, I know its hard....but maybe wait 20 or 30 mins before posting a troll thread....posting box office results that were just released less than 6 mins ago...completely outs you as an OBSESSED creep who is SADLY sitting at his computer waiting on results to troll....


Gitesh Pandya
‏ @GiteshPandya
33m33 minutes ago

With #BlackPanther and #AvengersInfinityWar, #Marvel is now looking at back to back $700M+ domestic blockbusters. Both will be among the Top 5 of all-time.


also just something else for you to keep in perspective when in trolling....

and theres do realize AIW just posted the second best 2nd weekend of all time right?

again I say....I get it, if your just letting off a little steam...You've had a very difficult few months, if your just grasping at this one straw that AIW wont top BP, thats SAD but understandable...

but again your in no way suggesting anything about AIWs box office is disappointing right?

keep in Mind....

AIW and Justice League cost the exact same amount of money and had they exact same expectations just 2 years ago...

and Yet despite both costing 300 Million to make....JL made 658 M and AIW is nearly going to TRIPLE that with 1.8 Billionish...

remember now, You defended JL for 4 would be quite an about/face if you now try to claim AIW was in any a way disappointment...It would mean you truly have absolutely no standards or scale for judging success...

anyway just couldnt help but point this out...I love pointing out how your past trolling comes back to bite you!

yes I'm sure at the time, you got some joy out of stubbornly defending JL despite having indefensible box office results....

little did you know doing it, it would make it impossible for you to troll on AIW(well not impossible, You have no pride) what I should say is, It would give your trolling on AIW zero credibility...

how can you claim JL making 658 M on a 300 Million budget is good...

But then somehow troll on AIW for making 1.8 Billion on the same 300 M budget...

you cant, because If you do, Your only embarrassing yourself.

PS..NOT entirely sure I agree with the tweet above...700 Million for AIW is probably not going to happen...


Due to the high quality of this film, you would expect better holds than a 57% drop.

For whatever reason, for the movie going public, not every film is going to hold them over the long haul like a Jurassic World, Wonder Woman, Black Panther or a Universal/Illumination film like Secret Life of Pets or Despicable Me film.

The public zeitgeist is a very fluid thing and what's hot one weekend can rapidly cool off the next. For every Pitch Perfect 2 or Get Out there is a Last Jedi or A Wrinkle in Time.


Due to the high quality of this film, you would expect better holds than a 57% drop.


not when it opened over 250 Million....

the fact that AIW had a 56% drop in its second weekend, which is Average for Blockbusters and CBM's is quite astonishing opening that high..

again your intentionally exaggerating because your desperate...

The Truth is....AIW is Holding Average to slightly Above Average....

those are the facts...

There is no scenario where you can spin a 112 million dollar 2nd weekend(the 2nd best of all time) which is a 56% percent drop into a Bad thing or a "Large Drop"

Its just not based on facts...

There is a history, With Blockbusters, CBMs and MCU movies...If you go by FACTS.....

anything between 55 to 59% is average for Blockbusters, CBMs and MCU movies to drop in their second weekend....

anything 60% or higher is consider a below average hold....

you are either LYING or dont understand the box office if you try to suggest a 56% drop is bad or BIG...

now if you simply want to point out AIW isnt having Great Holds or All TIME great Holds like BP or WW.....thats completely accurate and a statement that is factual

but you arent doing that and your not doing that because thats not good enough for cant be happy with AIW doing good but not Great....You need to troll, which is why your intentionally LYING and trying to claim AIW is having a BIG DROP.

but fortunately for Me and to YOUR HORROR..your lies can easily be disproven by a deep history of FACTS and DATA

For every Pitch Perfect 2 or Get Out there is a Last Jedi or A Wrinkle in Time.


or you could say "For every Pitch Perfect 2 or Get Out there is a Justice League and King Arthur

lol nice try, once again you let your hatred for Disney come bursting out....

You could have listed any 2 flops as an example, but nope your deep hatred for Disney wouldnt allow it...Instead you listed 2 Disney films , 1 of which what a SMASH HIT...

just to be fair though a gave 2 example too, Both HUGE flops by WB....unlike you though I could have continued naming HUGE WB flops but showed mercy and stopped at 2, You on the other hand Literally ONLY had 2(and one was the highest grossing and most profitable film of the year)

what the hell, let me take back the mercy and just go ahead and ruin your day even more

or you could say "For every Pitch Perfect 2 or Get Out there is a Justice League, King Arthur, Blade Runner, Gerostorm, Tomb Raider, The House(Will Farrell Flop), Father Figures........and 2 movies in Ready Player One and Rampage certainly badly under performed domestically, although looked to probably break even from Overseas box office

Once again you just didnt think before trolling queen

you simply just dont get it...

you CAN NOT TROLL ON Disney..and the reason is, They are literally twice as successful as other studios right now...which means, whatever scenario you come up with, whatever scale or criteria you create to try and troll on Disney....IT DAMNS other studios worse...

and since you've made the mistake of letting it be known YOU LOVE BOTH WB and Universal...

I'm just gonna take whatever scale you come up with to troll on Disney and Apply to WB and show that the exact scale your using to troll on Disney....DAMNS films YOU love and Studios you love more...

Disney is just too Successful right have to create scales to troll on them, but those scales then DOOM WB and Universal because they arent havent near the success Disney is having...

Yes I'm sure it made you happy more a minute to say "For every Pitch Perfect 2 or Get Out there is a Last Jedi or A Wrinkle in Time."....

You got to bring up 1 Disney film that flopped another that at least somewhat disappointed despite being A Smash hit....But in doing so you Opened the door for me to brutally destroy WB and Point out just how awful WB is doing compared to Disney...

YOU CAN NOT WIN! you are fighting an unwinnable fight against Disney


Marvel is going to be the first studio to have 2 $600M domestic grossers in the same year! Truly amazing by Disney. I feel bad for the other studios trying to compete somehow :(

[–] QueenFanUSA (745) 2 months ago
Ok...I'll play.

If it's good:

OW - 215 million
Total Domestic - 475 million
Global - 1.2 billion

If it's a turkey:

OW - 170 million
Total Domestic - 380 million
Global - 1 billion

By you own definition this is already doing better than 'good'. So it's performing remarkable/amazing(bigger gross and multiplier) at it's current pace :D


Fair enough Dirty Dozen, but what I an commenting on is the less-than-stellar hold portends that this will not match Black Panther domestically.

I understand not every film will have Jurassi World, Wonder Woman, It or Universal/ Illumination type holds...but that's's still doing fine.


I understand not every film will have Jurassi World, Wonder Woman, It or Universal/ Illumination type holds...but that's's still doing fine.


No instead Avengers IW Just Beat Wonder Woman in less than 8 days!

but Hey I understand not every Film can be Juggernauts like IM3, The Avengers, AOU, Civil War, Black Panther and Avengers IW Queen....But thats okay.... WWs still did fine(unless we forget about all the HUGE flops WB had that surely DEVOURED ALL of WWs profit, Damn JL coming out right after WW, Killing all momentum WW gained and LOSING WB 60 millions)

but Hey I understand not every studio can have back to back 1.3 Billion dollar + Films, but that okay, WW and JL still did fine, WB still made a decent profit despite 1 FLOPPING...

Lets see here, Disney is going to make at least 460 Million in Profit from Black Panther, and about 450 to 500 Million + in profit from AIW....for about 950 to 1 Billion In profit from 2 films...

meanwhile WB is looking at 252 Million In Profit from WW and 60 Million In Losses from a combined 192 Million

lol Disney making 2 CBMs equals 950 to 1 Billion In Profit....

WB making 2 CBM Equals 192 Million in profit...

But hey again I understand Not every Studio can make films that Gross them 950 Million in Profit, But thats okay... WBs still doing fine...

PS...Wonder Woman is probably not the best film to bring up when talking about Great HOLDS...

we now know WWs holds were 100% due to The Womans movement that Got behind it(similar to Black Panther)

The Movie itself did not result in such great holds, It got pushed by an Agenda...

Jurassic World also was not the best of examples, It had very good holds but not great...

The New Jumanji Movie would have been the right example to use, It had astonishing holds and would have made your point a lot better...

the big FAIL is Wonder Woman though....thats clearly the film you wanted to "RUB IN" the most, and Yet it simply cant even be considered when Talking about AIW and Holds...

They are not comparable...WW is in a league of its own and its holds can only be compared to similar movies where Media and Movements got behind it and other box office anomalies occured ....again Black Panther is in this group, Ironically "Get Out" is in this group to a much lesser degree though, The Passion Of The Christ, even movies like Furious 7 and The Dark Knight are in this group, because they clearly had massive box office impacts from Deaths(No F+F movie before or sense performed like F7, same with TDK)and of course theres Avatar, which revolutionized 3D

Basically once again you dont understand box office and gave a terrible example while trying to troll...

EPIC ....Truly EPIC Fail


It might not but the point of the quote was to demonstrate expectations and how people judge them. It's beating even your wildest prediction which makes it's run exceptional thus far. Can't be disappointed with it's 'less-than-stellar' weekend drops and potential box office if it's beating both what you deemed to be a 'good' total and multiplier :D

BTW I'm sure the other studios would prefer to be having the current earth shattering profits and records set by Disney/Marvel studios instead of reminiscing about multipliers from previous years, right? Can you imagine the head of Universal Pictures just being satisfied by reminiscing about past multipliers and then realising that Disney is currently leading them by 3 times their amount with a third of the year gone LOL.


You are quite the idiot. you do know that, right? I mean, the only thing sadder than you basing your life on your insipid internet trolling would be your ignorance that this is what you've dedicated your....for want of a better to.


And you've been such an accurate prognosticator to this point...

You stated previously that your high-end expectation for Infinity War was $215 million opening weekend, $475 million total domestic, and $1.2 billion total global take.

You were off by over $40 million on the opening, and after just 10 days it's $453 million domestic, $1.2 billion.

Will Infinity War make another $240 billion domestically? Maybe. After 10 days Black Panther had only pulled in about 88% of what Infinity War made in the same time, and Black Panther had a holiday Monday to boost those numbers.

Whether it outsells Black Panther domestically or not isn't at all important. Black Panther was one of the most successful films ever made, and not a barometer for the success of any other film. Infinity War will end up as one of only 8 movies to ever gross over $600 million domestically, and will almost certainly become only the 4th film to pass $2 billion worldwide. That's a win by any standard.


The Walt Disney Co. said Sunday that “Avengers: Infinity War” will gross an estimated $112.5 million from North American theaters over the weekend, becoming the second highest grossing film in weekend two behind “Star Wars: The Force Awakens’” $149.2 million and just slightly ahead of “Black Panther” ($111.7 million).


It probably won't, but not for the reason you might think. Black Panther had a good five weeks before Pacific Rim and Ready Player One.

Avengers has Deadpool and Solo to worry about, and a lot sooner than five weeks.


This week/weekend will be huge to for it's domestic momentum with both those films on the immediate horizon...but it will continue it's rampage internationally for the next 4-5 weeks with China launching this weekend.

Definitely a $2B WW contender, with a ~$650M domestic finish.


It's already beating BP at the box office and is on pace to surpass it.
I'll also add that it has a lot more competition than BP did in March and still could cross the 2 billion mark.

Here, go to this site - Get the latest numbers.
