MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Avatar made 3.23 Billion in inflation ad...

Avatar made 3.23 Billion in inflation adjusted dollars.

Will it be beaten by Endgame?


Dont think so. Cause Avatar was watched by everyone. And often a few times. Endgame on the other side is mainly comic nerd stuff and beside that .... its such a mediocre movie. So only die hard fans will watch it more often then once.


I think so, too. But there sure is a lot of marketing going on for this movie.


Avatar is crap. I don’t wanna watch dat again when it’s on TV. Titanic is better and I like when winslet do ze berd thing, vedy romantic.

Dis movie needed 2 be mo epic and it wuznt bec Infinity War wuz much much mo epicer.


I reported you for apparently having a stroke.


So let me get this straight.

You think that every country in the world uses US dollars?

Or do you think that it makes sense to convert currencies into US dollars at 2009 exchange rates, and then apply US ticket inflation rates to them?

If you were going to calculate box office records in this way, Avatar would not be the number one movie. Titanic, amongst other films would be higher.

So why choose a film that is number one without taking inflation into account, then apply US inflation in the last ten years to currencies converted into dollars at 2009 exchange rates?

Makes sense. It's almost like you are moving the goalposts because you are scared that Endgame will make the 2.7b it actually needs to be the highest grossing film of all time.


Dollar inflation will do as it is a reserve currency. But nice try. Endgame has a long way to go and may yet beat Avatar but don't insult people's intelligence by pretending that the 2019 dollar has the same purchasing power as in 2009.

And you may like Titanic so much that you have to include it in this comparison but why? I never claimed Avatar was the highest grossing movie of all time, adjusted for inflation. Something wrong with you sonny?


"Dollar inflation will do as it is a reserve currency."

What does this have to do with inflation in other countries and exchange rates? 10 years ago on pound was worth about 1.5 dollars. Now it's about 1.1. So you are doing to take 100 pounds, ten years ago, convert it into 150 dollars, apply us ticket rate inflation to make it 200 dollars, and say that is the same as 180 pounds today? Because "reserve currency"?


You are grossing high indeed, dude.


I don't understand what you are trying to say. You are admitting that you OP is nonsense?


Now you're just fishing. Give it up. You want to compare dollar value from different times but are at the same time balking when it's denominated in dollars.


OK, can you explain to me why you cared enough to look up the Avatar Box office, adjust it using US ticket price inflation rates and make this thread, despite the fact that as you yourself admitted, using this kind of calcuation Avatar is not the highest grossing film of all time?

What was the point of this thread? Why choose the film which is the highest grossing film only when you ignore inflation, and then inflate it's BO gross?


Because Avatar is still in people's memory and has sequels coming soon.


No one remembers Avatar. Starwars has a sequel coming out this year. So I guess you can inflation adjust TFA box office and make a thread about that.


Yes I believe it will be.


It will make more $$$ than 99.9% of any non-comic book movies ever made.


Wow, that Avatar was a shit movie. Some buddhist boy with a great big arrow on his head is doing stupid magic, and it was directed by the legendary director who made the excellent Sixth Sense. WTF happened? What went wrong? Surely no-one can go wrong adapting a cartoon series?


Always the jokester, Foebane72


I know, right? ;) (shucks)
