Thanos (spoilers)

I loved the way they made Thanos complex in Infinity War. They even added it here by having destroy the stones so he wouldn't be "tempted"

However, when he decides to just "destroy all life and rebuild it" it seems like they jettisoned the complexity to make him a stock villain In fact, it doesn't make sense. He is originally going to destroy half of life in order to preserve it. Now he is going to destroy it, and he's changed his resolution because 5 or 6 terrens Earth are giving him problems. Why doesn't he just get rid of them after he snaps everyone away again?

Could this last version of Thanos fall into the "Marvel villain problem"?


And his head wuz chopped off like nothin. Not since Bane in tdkr has a villain did a 180 from bein invincible 2 a flea.


Because he was in a weakened state after destroying the stones. It was stated twice it nearly killed him; Thanos has visible damage to his body and is shown limping around.


He also looked like shrek. Wuz surprised he didn’t talk in a scot accent.


Thanos was extremely annoyed that lifekind wasn't "grateful" for what he did, and instead of embracing life with the extra resources that were freed up to the remaining lives, were spending all of their time pining and mourning for those loss. So he said "sod it" and vowed to reform all life his own way, or something like that.


The one thing Thanos was convinced of was that the universe would be "grateful" for what he did/planned to do, and it turned out that it wasn't as grateful as he presumed.

So his reasoning was simple, if those that remain will just bitch and moan and be ungrateful and keeps trying to undo the snap, then he'll eradicate all life and start again, so that no-one other than him will know what he did, and the snap will never be undone.
