MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Should Marvel give in to the gay lobby a...

Should Marvel give in to the gay lobby and make a gay avenger?

The gay lobby have been pushing for this. They balked at the gay character in the group therapy session. Were they meant to be happy about a character with no name who appears and disappears in one scene?


The gay lobby, huh? Pushing for a gay Avenger? They balked, did they?
Because a Google search revealed nothing about gays lobbying for a gay Avenger. And if there's not...then there's better things to spend your energy on than trying to drum up divisive bullshit.

Reminds me of the transgender bathroom debate. An entire nation divided and screaming about an issue that was only an issue due to some politicians using it to rally themselves up some constituents. People flock to this sh*t, the sensationalist media blows it up and now here it is in a forum about a comic book movie. Good times.


Yes, Yes, Yes, to answer your three questions.


Yeah no. Nope!
Fake news, nothing to see here.


Well done!!!


Because a Google search revealed nothing about gays lobbying for a gay Avenger. And if there's not...then there's better things to spend your energy on than trying to drum up divisive bullshit.

Actually, there's a push when it comes to LGTB characters, and some people assume that gays are behind it, which I think it's not case. This is political and it's pushed... with or without gays. LGTBism is not the same as gays, as feminism is not the same as women. That said, the push is very real and it's part of the race/gender/ethnic PC SJW push:

Brie Larson Wants Marvel to “Move Faster” on L.G.B.T.Q. Representation


I agree, there's always been a push for more representation on-screen, but its important to differentiate between the LGBTQ community at large, and individual persons with their own opinions/agendas.

The OP cites pressure from the LGBTQ lobby to make a gay Avenger, and as far as I can tell, that's just not the case...which makes some sense IMO. These are established characters who've long since been defined and whose core following, for generations now, has largely consisted of younger straight males. Within the framework of the culture war and the calculated strategy of lobbyists vying to win social acceptance for their cause, how well thought out would a move like this really be?

Considering they're dealing with...arguably the most aggressively caustic segment of the population, how many LGBTQ people would actually think that a move like this would do more good than harm? That they'd be doing themselvs any favors here?

Which is why a post like this bugs me...because the OP is attributing this "push" to them anyway. A bit of a passive-aggressive jab at an undeserving group. At least in this instance.

Anyway, there's a difference between a push for more on-screen representation of gays and a push to make a gay Avenger, and a few tweets and an Op-Ed piece does not a "push from the LGBTQ community" make.
Going to have to rate this one a "pants on fire", Kuku. It gives me no pleasure. Especially with having to repeatedly type out LGBTQ...the most annoyingly long acronym ever, time and again.


>Because a Google search revealed nothing about gays lobbying for a gay Avenger.

WHAT A FUCKING LIE. I literally typed "gay avenger" and it's nothing but advocating for a gay avenger, and even claiming that there are already gay avengers.


Lol bullllshiiiit!
Out of the 7 results, 5 are merely commentaries on their being a gay guy in the movie. Out of the two that call for a push, one is merely citing a handful of tweets from individuals and the other is an an opinion piece published by Esquire.

Weird that our results are so different. Yours was nothing BUT advocation...mine boiled down to a few dudes tweets and a single author at Esquire. Which is a pretty far cry from a push by the LGBTQ community at large. And none of it has to do with making a gay Avenger.

So...yeah, fake news.


Why are you lying? Anyone can do this search. Literally the first result is "The Gay Avengers: Endgame Character Is a Half-Baked Attempt at Diversity", third result is "Avengers: Endgame has not helped Marvel's LGBT stance", fifth result is "Avengers: Endgame is being called out for doing "the bare minimum" with first gay character". It's literally nothing but advocating for gay avengers and claiming that there are already gay avengers.


I don't think you're completely comprehending here. No, I'm not going to sit here and lie on something we can all Google. But your "literally the first result" is one of two that I mentioned, an Op-Ed piece I pointed out from Esquire. Authored by an individual.
The other result claiming there's a "push" is from "Popbuzz" something and cites FOUR (4) tweets as their source and is the other article I mentioned.

All other results are in recognition of the first gay character appearing in an Avengers movie, NOT in recognition of a gay Avenger.

How about this. Link to the article that communicates the LGBTQ lobby pushing for a gay avenger. Just a single article, I'd appreciate that.


The original comment I replied to said that there is no one lobbying for a gay Avenger, and they claimed google search results yielded no one advocating for a gay avenger. I have proven that incorrect several times now. I literally showed you the articles. People requesting a gay Avenger has been shown already.


Uh, no and nope. And the only thing you've shown me, literally or not, is an inability to admit when you're wrong.
Trying to reframe the argument afterwards is just silly, "I gotta save face" bullshit.

Stick to the discussion, avoid reframing it in order to "win" the conversation and head to the second page of the Google results. I never checked there...maybe I'm wrong. you sleazy bastard, I never said that there was nobody pushing for a gay Avenger...I said that the gays weren't pushing for it. So...prove me wrong. A single article. And maybe show it to me this time instead of just saying you did. You got this. Be cool.


It would be bad for business. They can do it if they want, but you can imagine how many families are going to stop bringiing their kids to Marvel movies if they are having sexual messages forced into the films. Not to mention all of the countries around the world that have more conservative attitudes than the US and Europe. Close to 2 billion of Endgame's box office will come from overseas markets after all. Seems like a retarded business decision from Disney, but then TLJ happened, so...


Yes and China, the 2nd biggest market, bans gay propaganda movies.


Maybe a transvestite superhero who goes by the mantle Wonder Woman (I know, I know, DC already have that character), and the bad guys wonder whether or not it is a woman. Whilst wondering, they drop their guards and POW!, she/he defeats them.


You realise Marvel already have a Wonder Man, soooooo........


There we go then!


The story almost writes itself, lol.


Dude, could you imagine the uproar from Marvel "fanbois" (as people like to call them)? This would not be a good move for the LGBTQ community, not if they're trying to win social acceptance. Talk about finding the worst group to piss off.

Er, and by that I mean...younger adult males. The same folks that brought you gamersgate, now having a gay Avenger shoved down their throat. Yeah, no lol


They can’t put in any gay content that they won’t be able to remove for the Chinese market.

So, no... Marvel can’t add a gay Avenger, no matter how much pressure they come under.

That’s why they made a big deal about the gay guy in the support group and Valkyrie being bisexual in cut scenes. It’s a far as they can go.


Funny, none of the gay people I know even give a crap about if there's gay characters in the movie as long as it's good and they enjoy them. They don't think every movie needs to have a gay protagonist in it. But that's just me.


My personal feeling is that Marvel should just write the movies they want to write, without worrying about any real life subtext to it.

There appears at the moment to be this illogical adherence to the views of some quite small minorities who simply have loudness on their side.

There appears to be an issue with "conventional" themes.

For instance, the long standing love affair between Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter which underpinned Steves life, and so nicely concluded in Endgame, would we all have felt the same if it was Steve Rogers and Peter Carter?

Minorities don't drive box office, they never have and they never will.

Sony tried it with Ghostbusters(2016), and look how that failed? Just because your minority is vocal, does not equate that there is enough of them to go see your movie, in fact a lot of them simply didn't bother, because its easy to be vocal on Twitter, bit more of an effort when you have to spend real life money putting those views into action.

I think the fact that Endgame had a gay reference during the PTSD meeting was more natural than trying to shoehorn in a implicitly gay Avengers character.

Do gay people need a gay character to relate to? What if they relate more to Steve Rogers or Tony Stark?

The focus should always be on the story, the sexual proclivities of those characters seems unimportant in a comic book movie.
