MovieChat Forums > Mr. Robot (2015) Discussion > Joanna getting beaten

Joanna getting beaten

It was pretty awesome at first, since Joanna is such a vile person and finally got what was coming to her. Then I remembered she's a masochist and was probably loving the abuse. That's messed up.


Looked like she was beat close to death and they showed only surface injuries hours later?



Yea, no way she'd only have bruises on her face after that.

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present. -- Francis Bacon


Scott hits like a girl.



But I think once we saw what she told the bf to do, that was the plan all along - to get him to that point so the story of him killing his own wife would be plausible. These are easy things. But I wish those things would have happened in an earlier episode so that this episode could have had more of ... anything else.

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present. -- Francis Bacon


Clearly Joanna was banging the bartender as an effort to get him to lie to the cops...she is diabolical.


She was never seen with the bartender in public. She planned an exoneration for her husband from the night it happened.


It all makes sense because I wondering why she was with this guy, and he's too dumb to realize he got played. She evidently planned getting beat up too.


I was wondering where Mr. Sutherland was during that beating. Seems like if he knew that's where Joanna was going... that he would go with her.


That's what my daughter said too - where the heck is mr. X the bodyguard?

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present. -- Francis Bacon


She intended to get beat up, she told the bodyguard to let it happen. He was probably waiting outside the front door listening for a "safe word" in case it went further than she could handle.


You really think so? Wow, I don't know that I believe that she would take the chance that he might kill her, or do major damage. I thought she looked kind of shocked that he attacked her. She was choking, you would think Mr. Sutherland would come to save her.


I absolutely think so. It was the means by which she would manipulate her lover into lying to the police about her husband's innocence. The lover she intended to use from the very beginning.

Why else would she have gone to visit that guy anyway? What could she have hoped to get from him? To make him stop trying to psyche her out? She didn't need to do that in person. From the minute she walked in the door she was pushing him, taunting him about not being powerful, trying to get a rise out of him. If she just wanted him to cut it out, why deliberately provoke him, especially after he apologized?

When Elliot traced the calls back to his house the opportunity to use him fell into her lap and she made the most of it.


I definitely agree with you that she was taunting him. But I thought she was going to end up blackmailing him so that she could get her money from ECorp that he had refused to give her in an earlier meeting.

But the way you explain it makes sense in that it shows just how far she would go to get what she wants. Yikes.


Yep, more like broken nose and jaws and everything swollen of course.



With that beating she wouldn't have a perfect set of teeth either.
I hate how they always undersell the results of violence in these things.

"You'll be taking a soul train straight to a disco inferno where you never can say goodbye!"


yup reason 4394586932 this show makes no sense.

And at some point they are going to make more obvious than they already did that she planned it so that she could motivate the idiot guy in to testifying against the CTO


Looked like she was beat close to death and they showed only surface injuries hours later?

Definitely! I wished she'd looked like Mike Ehrmantraut did after he lets Tuco beat him up (Better Call Saul)! He had one eyes swollen shut and half his mouth as big as an apple. That's how you send someone to jail.

I followed all the rules...and you followed none of them. And they all loved you more.


It was cool seeing her get beaten up. Those bruises on her face looked nasty too.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Should've killed her.


That's messed up.

You know what's messed up? Enjoying seeing a woman getting beat up and thinking it's awesome.

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


I still don't understand why this is even part of the show. She is so tangential to the plot. I get it, she's trying to clear her husband's name. She's had so much screen time and very little involvement with anything that is going on. It's just fluff to fill out an episode. I was so close to fast forwarding through that scene. I really couldn't care less what happens to her. And it's not just her. I don't care about the other hackers either. It's just wasted time, they are mere background to the main story yet they get so much screen time.

I guess I'm just really sick of this show focusing on slightly related characters or topics and not explaining much of the plot or plan.


my thoughts exactly...


You know what's messed up? Enjoying seeing a woman getting beat up and thinking it's awesome.

Indeed! That was very hard to watch imo.


I knew someone would go for this angle. Listen, if it was Darlene or Angela or Dom getting brutalized like that, I would have been sick to my stomach. Joanna, however, is not a woman. She is a vile disgusting creature that deserved every second of it, but like I said, probably got pleasure from such intense pain. Was it scary watching her get beaten so badly? Yes. Do I think she deserved it? Yes again. I would do the same thing to anyone who told me my wife and unborn fetus deserved to die, male or female, except I probably wouldn't stop.


Joanna, however, is not a woman. She is a vile disgusting creature that deserved every second of it

That sounds... what's the word... starts with m...

I would do the same thing to anyone who told me my wife and unborn fetus deserved to die, male or female, except I probably wouldn't stop.

So you would beat up a woman just because of words?

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


Dude, you're pathetic. I tried to answer you reasonably and you want to label me a misogynist because of a post on IMDB. Here's an idea, why don't you go white-knight for the real abused and oppressed women of the world who actually need it, rather than spend your time defending a fictional TV villain with boobs? And yes, I would most likely punch a woman if she was in my house screaming that my WIFE and UNBORN FETUS deserved to be MURDERED by HER husband, you overly chivalrous moron. Get a life.


You need to work on your issues, honey. You seem like a volatile person.

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


And you need to stop judging strangers you've never met based on your selective reading skills, sweetie. You seem like a loser with no life who responds to new posts within three minutes just to start a fight.


Stop talking to me, you creep! What you're going to do, follow me home just because you can't take a no for an answer?

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


Uh, you don't get to respond and then complain that someone responded back. If you don't want a response, stop responding yourself. Every post on a discussion forum is an invitation to a response.


It seems you're too stupid to get what I meant. Mind your own business.

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


> Mind your own business.

Why? Are you going to call me stupid again?

You seem to be having a conversation with yourself and are angry that other people comment on it. That's funny.


When she enters his apartment, she mentions being "the wettest in a long time". I'm paraphrasing, but I think she got what she came for ;-)

Athhajar ma yeroon.


What's really messed up is that people apparently believe that liking BDSM equals liking being beaten in general.
Sorry to tell you that, but she was most probably not enjoying that situation at all, but instead simply "doing what is necessary" (just like her husband).

Only an academic can state the obvious and pass it off as wisdom.


Why are you sorry? That's a good thing if it actually hurt her, she is an awful disgusting human being. This isn't about violence against females, I would be horrified if that happened to Angela or Darlene, but Joanna? Hell. Yes.


Being opposed to violence against women doesn't just mean the women you like.


I think you should spend this white-knight energy on something more productive, like helping real abused women in the real world. This post was not promoting violence against females anymore than the show was. It was an uncomfortable and brutal moment, but it was Joanna, FFS. Did you not even hear the vitriol she was spewing about his unborn baby deserving to die? Any person, male or female, should get punched in the face for saying something so disgusting.

So if you want to argue semantics, I guess I'm not opposed to violence against all women. I'm opposed to violence against the majority of women who aren't raging evil psychopaths that aid and abet their husbands in the murder of another woman and her unborn baby.


Yes because things like fantasy, role play, and fictional characters totally translates to real life......idiot.


Why are you only opposed to violence against the gender you like?


Why are you only opposed to violence against living creatures? I don't even walk on the grass anymore man.


Apologies if someone already mentioned this, but I didn't see it:

She obviously provoked the beating. It was all by design. That much was obvious when she later discussed with her boyfriend about changing his story an implicating Scott in the murder of his wife.

She wasn't enjoying it -- it wasn't a BDSM thing.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


That's true, but it could have also been a BDSM thing. The first thing she says walking through the door is, "This is the wettest I've been in a while," or something to that extent. One of her main traits is she gets off on being the Sub and feeling pain. Perhaps Scott went overboard and finally showed her what real pain is, idk, but a part of me wondered if she was enjoying it deep down.

It was a messed up scene, and although it was so brutal, Joanna is a completely unsympathetic character. Seeing her get any sort of comeuppance was good for a moment, until I realized this was all part of her plan, and she may have even liked it. This show is crazy good.


The first thing she says walking through the door is, "This is the wettest I've been in a while," or something to that extent. One of her main traits is she gets off on being the Sub and feeling pain. Perhaps Scott went overboard and finally showed her what real pain is, idk, but a part of me wondered if she was enjoying it deep down.

I took her saying that as meant to be provoking, not as her telling the truth there.
One thing about BDSM - one very important thing - is that it is about trust: You may enjoy being the sub, but you have to trust the other person to stop at your limits. I don't think this relation can be applied to Joanna and Scott Knowles, so no, it has not been a BDSM situation for Joanna. ;-)

Only an academic can state the obvious and pass it off as wisdom.


Whoa, your mother really fûcked up with you.

