Bullet casing

Ok so a lot of people are convinced now that Tyrell is actually alive, and I am as well--sort of. The only thing I'm not sure about is the bullet casing that Dom found at Fun Society and showed to Darlene. It's supposedly from the gun that Darlene stole from that guy she was sleeping with, it ended up in the popcorn, and now Tyrell has it and used it to shoot Elliot. We were lead to believe that Elliot had shot Tyrell in the arcade. Any theories/ideas??? There's the idea that Elliot is in his lucid dream still...
I may have to find time to go watch s2 over again. Puzzles I can't figure out right away drive me crazy lol

*beep* off, you goddamn *beep* *beep*


So, what's the question exactly?


Lol I guess you could find the question mark in my post and refer to the question that precedes the punctuation. That'd be a good start.

*beep* off, you goddamn *beep* *beep*


Here's a link to some screenshots I pulled today from Season 1 Ep 8 and Season 2 Episode 12. You can scroll through them, I believe. But here are 3 directly to the shots of the gun. Very difficult to get good ones. It's like it's meant to be quick so we can't see it clearly in the last episode. There's a brown stripe down the side of Xander's gun. You can barely see it in the pictures. But I personally think it is the same.

Best picture I could get of Darlene holding the gun

Best picture I could get of Tyrell holding the gun
and another really dark one - if anyone wants to steal these off my photobucket (it's public) and try to lighten them, feel free.

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present. -- Francis Bacon


Pretty sure it's the same gun, too. In addition to the brown handle, the circular hammer is the same on both guns.

TV: http://ihatemydvr.blogspot.com



I am pretty sure they are 2 different guns. Similar style semi-automatics, but the gun Darlene holds has a dark finish, while the gun Wellick holds is a lighter gun metal satin finish. I definitely would have remembered that gun if Darlene had it!



I just watched season 1 again. Paying closer attention this time around! In the episode where Darlene steals the gun from the safe, IT CLEARLY IS the exact same gun that Tyrell uses to shoot Elliot. In the scene where she stashes the gun in the popcorn machine, the set lighting is very dim and the metal finish cannot be seen on the gun. I mistakenly thought it was black steel and a different gun. My bad.

The question I have now is,...since Darlene was THE ONLY ONE who knew where that gun was hidden, how exactly did Elliot, or Mr. Robot, or Tyrell find it?!



That IS the question! For real, that's really the question. The popcorn and the wrapping material like stuff that the gun is hidden in are similar. Anyway, I've been giving myself a break from MrR. At least for a bit.


I am still holding to an admittedly bizarre theory the entire warehouse scene actually happened inside the fsociety arcade. And what we saw was a flashback (with the usual Elliot hallucinations)...which is what the episode started with anyway. I have doubts they were across the street from E-corp at all and I think the Angela mention of seeing her face first when he wakes up, is in reference to his 3-day blackout in Tyrell's SUV. How they work it all together? That's why Esmail gets paid I guess...LOL


I have doubts about the warehouse also. It doesn't make sense that they would set up shop right next to the building they are going to blow up, particularly as spectacularly as was described.

Edit: I just thought of something in another thread: I think that Elliot skewed the warehouse, like he did the prison. It's not a dirty, run down warehouse at all, it's actually a super clean facility. That's why the guy was wearing the clean suit.



Think building 7 and 9/11...


Well, we still never did get around to what, in detail, happened over those 3 days. So, the use of the gun is still up in the air, as far as the arcade is concerned.


So the fact that there is a live bullet casing that was found at the arcade somehow overwrites Elliott being shot, bleeding out, clearly experiencing the pain he never experienced when Robot shot him, and Angela actually conversing on the phone with Tyrell. Hmm.


Myeah, I don't know about that either. I could have thought that the warehouse scene was in his head if there hadn't been that following scene of Angela on the phone with Tyrell...
I may need to get out some pen and paper lol

*beep* off, you goddamn *beep* *beep*


I may need to get out some pen and paper lol

What, you don't have this whiteboarded all over your living room wall like every single maverick cop/agent in every show done in the last 10 years, so that everyone who thinks you are OK gets to see that you really aren't when they make a surprise visit? ;-)

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2
