

Perhaps this is mentioned before, but i am just starting with this series.

In season 1 episode 4 it looks like Eliot is shot in the crack house along with the girl next to him.

Yet a few moments later we see him in the hotelroom again like nothing happened.
And it s never mentioned how they got him out or anything. ???
Even in the start of episode 5 "previously on Mr. Robot" noting at all..


It was a hallucinatory dream prompted by his drug withdrawal.


Thank you for the reply, but it isn't that obvious, perhaps they changed it later.
of course when there is no mention of it at all in episode 5 it is likely that is was a hallucination i guess.


You should try this thing called paying attention.


Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


It's been confirmed as one. Considering the whole episode was Elliot trying to drop his habit, he wasn't in much of a condition to be out and about anyways. Although the show is always weird, I'd say Daemons was the first time it got that weird. The way Elliot was kind of gliding through different, surreal scenarios and scenes was kind of what tips us off.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the season!


Thanks for the replies, it's a great show.
As for the "paying attention": Like i said it wasn't that obvious to me, even when i reviewed the scene twice.


I wasn't the one who said that to you, but maybe now that you've seen the show get like that you'll be more hip to the way it works and better catch all the crazy stuff you'll see on the show if you keep watching!

It's a dense show, but enjoyable all the same. Happy watching!


Elliot has clouded the interpretation of reality many times. He tells us right in the first episode he can reprogram himself [& therefore our perspective] to change what he sees and hears. Everything we see/hear thru Elliot is subject to interpretation.

---Listen, you smell something?---
