
Im not really familiar with bitcoin and stuff like that, but why does Price want to implement his own currency for? What would the E Coin advantage be for him?

“We're all living in each other's paranoia"


"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws"


Yes. I've been thinking the E-coin was Price's game all along.

Part of his self-appointed "I want to be the smartest person in the room" destiny.


Phillip Price didn't say he wanted to be "the smartest person in the room", he rhetorically asked: "Am I the most powerful person in the room?" (S2 Ep10)

Of course, in order to be the most powerful, you'd also need to be pretty smart, and Phillip Price is indeed smart.



I stand corrected!

Yes, he wants to be in control, and he has figured out that e-coin is how he will be in control (most powerful).

I think I short-circuited a bit with that post.


I stand corrected!

Who are you and what business have you got on the internet. 


I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes. I just thought the exact quote was important since Price wants to be God-like in his quest for power. His E-coin strategy does seem set him up for just that.



I think E-coin is a big part of it, but not the whole thing.

We still have the Congo to figure out, something relating to precious metals that so many of societies tech devices rely on. I think one element has been mentioned by name, but I'm forgetting what it is now.

So it's either that element, or something other that would render it suddenly no longer valuable. Plus the E-coin stuff. And of course, so much more.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


I dont understand what E coin is, and the advantages of your company having its own currency, could you explain why he needs congress to allow it?

“We're all living in each other's paranoia"


BitCoin is an untraceable digital currency which some people use and it's growing (the currency used in the Dark Web). E-Coin would supposedly work similarly as to how BitCoin does but for the average person too.

And with the possibility of getting people into debts (people aren't forced but they need $$$) and well, you know what happens if those in debt don't pay.

Btw, there are apps on Android to get "free" BitCoins in Satoshis but it's not worth the trouble. They take too much time and it's far too little.


E-Coin wouldn't have happened without the financial collapse. I guess he is the smartest person in the room. He's enabling the Dark Army through Whiterose and Angela...and ultimately Eliot and Mr. Robot.


Once he's in control of the currency, he has the ultimate control. It seems as though that was his goal along.
