MovieChat Forums > Mr. Robot (2015) Discussion > This might be an interesting development...

This might be an interesting development...

Anyone have any ideas why the dates and year are off by one? Here is a screen picture from the season finale:

You will notice the date and time on Tyrell's computer is Fri Aug 8, 11:15 AM. The thing is, August the 8th didn't fall on a Friday in 2015, the last time August 8 fell on a Friday was in 2014.

What do you guys make of this?



I can't see the screenshot on my phone on that site. I saw some articles posted here, and this date is also off. Should be a Wednesday not Tuesday.


Nope. Nevermind, ignore my post. I was looking at 2014. August 6, 2013 did indeed happen on a Tuesday.

Hopefully I'll be able to see your screenshot on a terminal, cuz I can't see it on my phone. But whether it's continuity or on purpose, fun catch!


The weird timeline has been brought up, but nothing specifically about Elliot being shot. I think the pattern people have been noticing is that the days in 2015, on the show, are off by 1 in what they were in real life. At first it can seem like a simple continuity error, but after it repeatedly happening and we know they're SUCH sticklers for has to mean something. I can't believe they'd just pick a random date and stick the year on the end of it and call it a day.

So, since it's intentional what does it mean? It all ties back into the theme of time and its perception and possible manipulation even. I don't go as far as literal, sci-fi-like, time travel, but...something is definitely going on with the time in their world. Couple that with the non-linear storytelling and what a doozy it is!

Any catches on the time are good and important ones though 


Yes, the timeline in Mr. Robot would correspond to dates matching the year 2014, yet we see the year 2015 clearly everywhere in the show. So strange. Such a small detail, but could point to a larger meaning. I really hope it all comes together and makes some sense in the end.



I like what you found. It would then make the elevating burger eater doing his thing at like 9am, and who eats burgers at 9am.?.? :) no one !!!
Im in the boat that all the Elliot phases of ep11-12 were not entirely 'real', but instead fabricated by that dastardly MrR.. buwhahaha

---Listen, you smell something?---


I like what you found. It would then make the elevating burger eater doing his thing at like 9am, and who eats burgers at 9am.?.? :) no one !!!

I think the whole point of showing the lab guy eating was to show the bag that he was eating from - the whole Red Wheelbarrow thing. Which honestly, I'm still not sure what we're supposed to make of that reference. Does it mean that anything involving a Red Wheelbarrow should be questioned and possibly unreal? What are we supposed to take away from all these red wheelbarrow references?


It's totally foreshadowing of Stage 2. Hot Carla is this trans woman who's burning books in the Red Wheel barrow, the same way Whiterose plans to burn Evil Corp's "books" (paper records) when the explosion goes off in their offline database.


Elliot also wrote "red wheelbarow" on his notebook he used to jot down times he did certain things (to try to keep Mr. Robot away), to keep a routine while he was in jail/at mom's house.

And of course it has emotional meaning to Tyrell as part of his story about his own father, how his father loved that poem.

I don't know what it means, but it's similar to the paintings that keep showing up in different places. The pictures/paintings shown in the entryway/kitchen of the house where Angela was being held are identical to those hanging in Ron's coffee shop in the pilot.

The mural of "wheatfield with crows" (van gogh)that was on the wall behind Elliot and Krista in the jail visitor's room was seen in a flashback of the Alderson living room.

Paintings, people and symbolism like the red wheelbarrow keep showing up. (I won't even mention that there was a vase of "white roses" on the table in Ray's house when he was pretending to speak to his deceased wife. )

I suppose that it might imply that Elliot is using familiar items and images in his delusions/dreams.

I don't think that any of it is a coincidence. The hamburger wrapper with red wheelbarrow was so funny like someone wants to hit us over the head with a little tipoff that "this is not really happening."


You're right, so much symbolism. Reminds me a little of "Citizen Kane" and the mystery surrounding the word "Rosebud" spoken by Kane on his deathbed.



Great catches!

"Don't make me kill you again."


I like the connect on carla, her red wheelbarrow, burning books, and the ec docs. The poem is an interesting thought exercise. Why is that wheelbarrow so important?

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

---Listen, you smell something?---


Yes, eating a BBQ sandwich from the Red Wheelbarrow BBQ at 7 AM does seem a little weird. We know the time because in the opening scene when Elliot and Tyrell get to the computer terminal and log in, the time is 7:49 AM. The next time we see the computer screen (a few scenes later), the time is 11:15 AM. Almost 3 and a half hours later. What were Tyrell and Elliot doing for over 3 hours?! Elliot gets shot sometime after 11:15 AM, we don't know the exact time, but we still see some daylight coming through the windows. The sunset time in New York for August 8, 2015 is 8:04 PM. So Elliot was shot sometime between 11:15 AM and 8 PM on August 8, 2015 if what we see in the season finale was actually occurring and not part of Elliot's lucid dreaming.



if what we see in the season finale was actually occurring and not part of Elliot's lucid dreaming.

If that was part of a lucid dream then I'm going to lead a Riot!

But, I think we can safely assume it wasn't all a dream, mostly because we see Angela answer a phone call from Tyrell. Also, Elliot had never been to Angela's new apartment, so he wouldn't know what it looks like.

So I think the warehouse they're in is real, maybe it doesn't actually look all dirty and creepy in reality? Who knows, I mean its not like Whiterose (or her associates) like to be associated with unclean, dirty environments.

