A 5'10 Uhtred?

...is very - very - troubling. Maybe this is just him in adolescence in Book 1, because the books are very clear that Uhtred is enormous, a "head taller" than every other man. It's what makes the character who he is to a large extent, the source of his intimidating personality. It would seem an actor would need to be at least 6'3-6'4 to truly capture the character.


5'10, dark haired... Aesthetically, not the Uhtred of the books, but I hope he's a good actor (I've never watched anything with him).


Height isn't a problem, they can make any actor look taller than others with simple camera angles and other tricks and, seeing as 5'10 is about average height for most men in the Western world, it's a lot easier for them to do than if he were 5'6.


Is there a pyhsical desription of Alfred in the book?? Its been so long since I read it lol


In the books Alfred is described as a skinny, sickly, pale man without muscles. He has some gastrointestinal problems that followed him through life. Uhtred is supposed to be only a few years younger and Alfred would look like mid thirtys even thou he is about 20.


5'10 would have been a head taller in those days


As far as I can tell, the rest of the cast isn't going to be in the 4'6 - 5'3 range though.
Equally, I don't think you're right either. Bare in mind that humanity shrank through the middle ages.

research by a team from Ohio State University suggests that people living in the Middle Ages — between the ninth and 11th centuries — were taller than those living in the early 19th century. Using skeleton evidence from Europe, the team found that average height decreased from 68.27 inches in the Middles Ages to a low of 65.75 inches in the 1600s and 1700s.

American money - In God We Trust
British banknotes - Charles Darwin


They also had very tall kings at the time or a bit later. The following were 6'4" I believe:

Richard the Lionheart
Edward IV
Henry VIII

Richard III was considered small at 5'8".


That only works if the rest of the cast are five foot nothing. As it is he looks about average compared to the rest of the cast.


Nope. all the science shows that ninth century men were on average only about 1 to 1.5 inches shorter than men today


SnapCrackledThePop , You are correct sir. Most people around those time were 5'5.The average Roman soldier was about 5'3 as was the Samurai and the Spartans as well.Vikings were mostly around 5'10-6'1, very large back then.


It is odd that they didn't cast someone taller. I can only assume that of all the actors they auditioned none of the taller ones captured the spirit of Uhtred (or else just weren't that good acting-wise). While a taller actor would've been nice, it's not essential. I'd rather have a good actor than someone who fits the description perfectly but is only a mediocre actor at best. Of course, I haven't seen this Uhtred actor in anything so time will tell whether or not he can sell himself in the role to the audience (as he has apparently already done with the showrunners).

Plus, size isn't always needed. I know plenty of truly short people whose personalities fill up a room.


I can only assume that of all the actors they auditioned none of the taller ones captured the spirit of Uhtred

Or, of course, that they decided that casting an Orlando Bloom clone would get the teen girls watching, and that that was more important than resemblance to the character.


how come they never cast real hobbits to play the part? thats outrageous.

guys, just chill. never heard of camera angle?


Watch the Rocky movies , they make Stallone look like 8 inches taller then he is.

And yes back then the avg. height was shorter but vikings were thought to have an avg of about 5"10 , so if he's a head length taller then yes he should be about 6'3/6'4.


Sometimes the personality of a character make them "larger than life". Height or big bulky muscles really isn't required. I can remember years back, my husband was so dismayed at learning Hugh Jackman was going to play Wolverine in the X-men movies. "He won't be big enough, won't be tall enough, won't be brooding enough, sarcastic enough", etc. After watching the movie, my husband had to admit that Jackman played Wolverine to a T... perfectly, sans the height or bulk of the character. Maybe this is what they're relying on with the character of Uhtred. Not having read the books, he appears to be doing a fine job to me... and I do mean FINE.... :)

Me nem nesa


Killer dead things Mikey... DEAD things!


That's very true but while Alexander's acting has been fine up to this point (two episodes in), I haven't found him to have the commanding presence needed to make up for his lack of physical stature. I'm sure I'll get used to it in time but right now all I see is man who is barely taller or brawnier than Alfred, lol.


Hugh Jackman is about a foot taller than the Wolverine is supposed to be, by the way.

Click here:


Ironically, Wolverine the character was actually short, Hugh said in interviews he was worried comic fans wouldn't accept him for being too tall.


Would you rather cast Lee Jones of The Bastard Executioner instead? 

~Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes~
