MovieChat Forums > Colony (2016) Discussion > Show is going downhill... S2E9

Show is going downhill... S2E9

The show is starting to piss me off. These incompetent leaders are complete failures when dealing with the resistance. They've been on a losing streak and then they just send a small attachment to secure the kids that was the deal breaker to get what they want out of the kids and wife. If I was there I'd send a decent sized force and escort to get the kids to a secure facility where no access to the kids would be allowed as long as the wife is still at large and husband as leverage to do the bidding. Kids mean everything to family and this show just made me shake my head. Might as well just give resistance everything but I know this show is suppose to have them I guess win but doing it this way just makes the story non-believable to follow through at this point.

The amount of stupidity by the guy in charge is unbelievable. The guy that figured them out was the smartest of the bunch. Not only did they lose the kids, they lost Bowman and didn't even catch the wife. So much for 'We got a sniper on you (but he doesn't know how to shoot for shit).'


Yes, that was one of the weakest episodes. The episode before last was very good and I was hopeful, and then, comes this weak one. This show is definitely with ups and downs. I still love it, though.


A weak episode - I just want to see the aliens - if there are any aliens.


There are aliens. But the show ultimately is not about the aliens.


we haven't actually seen any


Yes, I'm getting nervous. Three episodes left, counting tonight. In an interview (sorry, I have no idea where I read it and I don't have the link) one of the show creators said during season 1 that season 2 would show the aliens a bit more. Not at all, so far. With only 3 left they better get going.


yeah it feels like the whole family have plot armor, no one will die or get severly hurt, seriously Bram should have died there, theres no reason for Snyder to save him at all.


Apart from the internal affairs guy, the rest are pretty incompetent by design. Remember they eliminated high level/field professionals at the beginning before the walls came down.
