Season 3 thoughts

Just some random non-special thoughts while watching. Will update till the end of season.

Cover Story of Snyder when he reunites with others in the car after the attack on the cabin:
He invents he got arrested, then the guards went into a booby trap and he got away.
Much more fitting story would be 'i was looking for you guys a bit, didn't find you'.

Kynes and guy fleeing taking car from the 2 young community police.
Argh. This was obvious, Kynes and partner talking so loud where they are going.

In Total:
OMG, this was soo good.
Great storylines, great new settings before they get boring (first camp, then quickly to seattle), great characters, great twists, i loved this season.


Its weird that Charlie's death affected Will so much that made him like a prick to katie, while the rest of his family seemed to have handled it so well that it almost feel like Charlie didnt exist at all. Still dun rly understand how Will r/s with Katie deteriorated to such extreme even by the end.

Other than that its the best season by far, with the wiping out of IGA headquarter the endgame is close at hand that is a pity it got cancelled.


My thoughts: have a season 4.
