MovieChat Forums > Cleveland Abduction (2015) Discussion > This movie, this story should be forgott...

This movie, this story should be forgotten.

I have some thoughts about this story and the movie.

I was not able to watch this movie.
And I suspect the people that are able to watch it should think twice about their daily routines.

Come on people - this is just a horrible story and should be forgotten.

"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones."


You are an idiot


Not an idiot.

This entire sorry tale is beyond retarded. WHO allows themselves to be "abducted" for 10 years? TEN YEARS. And under the noses of a steady stream of neighbors and utility workers in a cheapo $10,000. house. TEN YEARS. It may be based on a true story but it's a dumb true story.



There is stupid people and then there is STUPID people!
You should really go and live life and learn from it so you understand what a mf stupid thing you wrote!


You need help and the girl weren't stupid because the were kidnapped and rape and beaten for a 10 years

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Mongo, they didn't allow themselves, he/Castro was linked to his daughters, all three of them!

Apparently you haven't read the books

These girls were pretty young, for one.

Amanda/ father would smoke dope with her and beat her mum..for years!

Amanda knew his son and daughter Ariel, Jr and Arlene.

Gina/ had reading a reading disability, which made her fall behind.
She also did'nt like to be touched and had trouble making eye contact
with ppl. Her mum Nancy was working on this with her & her grades were
just improving..smh So Gina had some issues as well
The pig went to school with Gina's dad Felix, she knew him!

Lily/ had been raped since the age of five by a family member that stayed
with them. He said he's kill her if she told..for a five yr old that's
pretty damn scary!
She was friends with his daughter Emily and said she was in the house.

In short they were from places of dysfunction, with Amanda being the brains
between the three however he kept them apart and baited them against each other.
This makes them more vulnerable to dysfunctional ppl eg Castro.
Re escaping..they were terrified that if one tried to escape,
he'd shoot the others and after Jocelyn was born, that option would've certainly been more difficult

To quote Michelle` "After awhile the chains go to your brain"

They all tried to getaway, some more times than others.

I'm left to wonder if the neighbors/hood was retarded, the houses
were pretty close together and as for the police...what police?!


Mongo you are an idiot, not the original poster. Unless you actually were put in their shoes you have no right to judge or call the story "retarded"


you have no right to judge or call the story "retarded"

TEN years. TEN.



Yea. 10 years with chains around their necks and stomachs being beaten raped and threatened every day


beaten raped and threatened every day

All the more reason to get the F out. Who would withstand that kind of treatment for TEN YEARS not to mention being imprisoned in the first place? It's not like the guy was a monster, he was just a single man. He actually let one or two of them out into the back yard once for crying out loud.



Look up Stockholm's syndrome. Also people do whatever they think they need to do to survive a situation. They did they right thing because they lived


They "lived" for TEN YEARS in captivity, not in some remote location, but right in the middle of a major American city.

And as for Stockholm Syndrome - and yet they escaped.



Ever hear the story of Colleen Stan? She was kidnapped and held as a sex slave for several years by Cameroon Hooker. He told her he was part of an organization called "THE COMPANY" that helped men take and hold women as slaves. He told her that if she escaped, they would hunt her down and kill her and her family. He had her so brainwashed, he even let her visit her family for several weeks before taking her back. She eventually even got a job as a hotel housekeeper. She only escaped with the help of her kidnappers wife, who had a hard time convincing her that Cameroon had lied about THE COMPANY.

In Cleveland, they had several opportunities to escape, but were to afraid of what he would do to them if they failed that they felt it was better for them not to try. For a good portion of the time, he kept them chained, and even after he stopped chaining them, he locked them in their rooms, and locked up the house tight. When you are under extreme stress like they were, your mind works differently than it would normally.

No animals were harmed in the posting of this message, but a number of electrons were annoyed.


Bro your ignorance is embarrassing. Go read the books written by the women and then you will comprehend what happened.


People we can all call each other names and throw insults around, it's all too easy and even the ignorant can do it.
But you know, not even the ignorant take what you scribbled into consideration, it reeks of worthlessness.
To say that this should all be "forgotten" like that's what we should do to every negative horrible thing in our history, hah..!
You can't forget some things and some images are too burned in our minds to ever forget.

This movie and their stories should be required study in our schools, it's meant to be talked about to prevent it from happening again, to people we love and care about, to our women and children.
It is also a huge message of hope and enduring horrible times. Mabes you've never been held a hostage, mabes you've never been tortured and just praps you're lucky enough to never suffer.
But should your luck turn, or should you be so stupid someone will prey on you, possibs you might need their story in your time of need.
Without it, or having so carelessly forgotten it, you might find yourself pulling a blade across your wrist and I for one, along with much of the human population, wish you would just do it now, why wait?
For the rest of us intelligent want to live types, this is more education than a college course and hopefully, we'll never need it but I for one, will save this memory in my mind forever.


Yeah and let's forget about the holocaust and 9/11 while we're at it

Have you ever stared fear and danger in the eye and said; YES?


Wow are you stupid.
