MovieChat Forums > Cleveland Abduction (2015) Discussion > What would you do to get out if you were...

What would you do to get out if you were kidnapped?

What would you do if you were kidnapped to try to get out? I wonder about this from time to time and this is what I came up with:

1. If the kidnapper wasn't such a bad man only some more or less harmless nutso who kidnapped me to keep him company (like in A Moi Seule by Videau) or for sex (but not that cruel as in the Castro case), I'd do my best to convince him I was unhappy at home and going to stay with him if he gave me anything I wanted. Like for example, some books to read - ones from a library - I'd try to smuggle a note behind the back of some book having a thick cover (like ones of the Twilight novels) - maybe it would fall out and someone would find it and give it to the police.

2. If the scenario was a similar one, I'd convince the kidnapper (after spending some time with him, trying to convince him I liked him) that I had a serious illness, like appendictis and that he had to take me to hospital.

3. I'd try to ask him to kidnap another one - there's a chance he would get caught and the police would save me (something like that worked in the case of Sabine Dardenne).


If the kidnapper wasn't such a bad man only some more or less harmless nutso who kidnapped me to keep him company

This just doesn't happen. Movies like "The Collector" are not realistic. If you're abducted long-term (i.e. not ransom/hostage situation but an actual planned abduction and captivity) then you're damn sure there for a purpose, be it sex, forced labor or general torture/abuse (normally all of the above).

If the scenario was a similar one, I'd convince the kidnapper (after spending some time with him, trying to convince him I liked him) that I had a serious illness, like appendictis and that he had to take me to hospital.

You don't seem to have a very clear understanding of the situation abduction victims are in. Why on earth do you think they would take you to a hospital under any circumstance? If you got appendicitus or any other serious illness, you would die. They're not going to risk exposure because you're sick; they don't give a sh!t.

Michelle almost died while in captivity from a severe allergic reaction, and she was literally on death's doorstep at the time of their rescue. Castro didn't do anything but toss cough medicine at her and tell her to get her act together. Similarly, Amanda had a very painful birth...if she'd started bleeding out, he would have let her die in that tub before taking her to a hospital. Those are just two examples, since you specifically mentioned a guy "like Castro." There are many instances of people dying in captivity from untreated illness or injury, and many other cases of near-death experiences that were only averted by pure luck.

I'd try to ask him to kidnap another one

And then, more likely than not, you'd be responsible for encouraging the imprisonment and torture of another innocent person. The Hornbeck/Ownby case was a most cases, you'd just end up with equally miserable company, not a sudden breakthrough in the case.

I'm not trying to be rude, but I think you need to do a lot more research on long-term abduction cases because your point of view seems to be a bit too fairy tale and naive.


This just doesn't happen. Movies like "The Collector" are not realistic. If you're abducted long-term (i.e. not ransom/hostage situation but an actual planned abduction and captivity) then you're damn sure there for a purpose, be it sex, forced labor or general torture/abuse (normally all of the above).

In Japan there did happen a similar case - the Fusako Sano one. A mentally ill man kidnapped a small girl just in this aim - she was kept by him in a room he even didn't lock up but she was so scared that she didn't even try to go out though he was out very often - it was enough to open the door and go outside. Or another one, also a Japanese one - another mentally ill man kidnapped a child like last year in the same aim - the girl Sakura wasn't harmed in any way and when she was found a couple of days later, he said he was going to make her his girlfriend - he wanted to have someone to love him and that's all.

You don't seem to have a very clear understanding of the situation abduction victims are in. Why on earth do you think they would take you to a hospital under any circumstance? If you got appendicitus or any other serious illness, you would die. They're not going to risk exposure because you're sick; they don't give a sh!t.

There was a case of a man who kidnapped a girl named Jeanette Tamayo - though her kidnapper wasn't a harmless nutso but a paedo who abused her, he did agree to let her out when she told him she had an asthma and going to die without her meds so he let her out so she could go to a drugstore and when she did, she said to the people present there about her situation and they called the police then. So there are different situations. And some years ago there was kidnapped a girl Elizabeth Shoaf whose adbuctor, though abusive towards her, did give her his phone so she could "play games on it" for fun - she managed to convince him she liked him and her circumstances and he give it to her and she called her mom.

since you specifically mentioned a guy "like Castro."

Not exactly like him - not such a sadistic one. There are different cases.

And then, more likely than not, you'd be responsible for encouraging the imprisonment and torture of another innocent person. The Hornbeck/Ownby case was a most cases, you'd just end up with equally miserable company, not a sudden breakthrough in the case.

In the case of kidnap of Sabine Dardenne it was what ended her imprisonment - he kidnapped another girl and the police came after him afterwards, for there was an eyewitness. I'd prefer to risk rather then be still in captivity.

I'm not trying to be rude, but I think you need to do a lot more research on long-term abduction cases because your point of view seems to be a bit too fairy tale and naive.

Imagine that I did a lot of research, I dare to say I know more such cases than you - no situation is the same.


Fusako Sano's case does not count as someone who "just wanted company." He beat and abused her, maybe not sexually but in every other way. It was hardly similar to movies like The Collector.

he said he was going to make her his girlfriend - he wanted to have someone to love him and that's all.

Yes, and he would have raped her eventually when she was "ready" (this has happened in many cases). I know of NO cases where someone was abducted and kept alive for years on end just to "look at" or keep the abductor company without the involvement of violence.

Tamayo and Shoaf were completely different circumstances. Shoaf's abductor was a mentally stunted moron who was not planning for the long term. She was only there for a few days and he was stupid enough to give her his phone. That's a one in a million occurrence. Most people who actually go out to kidnap someone take every precaution to ensure they have no access to anything they might use to escape. Similarly, Tamayo's ordeal, while certainly horrible, only lasted for a few days as well, and he let her go quickly. There are virtually no cases involving long-term abduction where the offender gave a damn about medical assistance for the victim. In 99.9% of the cases, that would never, ever happen. Tamayo was a very lucky exception.

In the case of kidnap of Sabine Dardenne it was what ended her imprisonment

I didn't say it doesn't happen, but again it's rare. In most cases you would just end up with another victim.

Imagine that I did a lot of research, I dare to say I know more such cases than you - no situation is the same.

Actually, I've studied criminal psychology for a long time and I just don't think the examples above reflect a real understanding of stranger abductions. I get what you're saying - there are exceptions to every rule, and yes, every case is different. But you can't cite the .01% exceptions as being terribly realistic. In almost every case, medical issues did not lead to release, only death or prolonged suffering, and I have yet to hear of a single case that didn't involve some form of abuse. Offenders that are delusional enough to be tricked into thinking you actually want to be there tend to be extremely unstable because they're detached from reality. They can flip like a switch at any time, even if you do your best to play along.

That's why I feel that these types of threads are silly. "I would do x or y in such and such situation" is meaningless because, in all likelihood, you would not. You'd go into survival mode and adapt to the situation at hand, whatever that may be, and it's quite probable that your actions would be completely different from what you're listing here, as would be the results of any scheme you attempted to employ. It's so easy to sit at a computer and say "if I were Shawn Hornbeck, I'd have told the police everything when they stopped me, instead of going home to my abuser." Sadly for people who have survived such ordeals, human psychology is not that simple and real life just doesn't work that way.


Fusako Sano's case does not count as someone who "just wanted company." He beat and abused her, maybe not sexually but in every other way.

But he was not as sadistic and cruel as for example Castro. He didn't beat her as often - mostly it was when she didn't do something he wanted like this infamous not recording the horse races on the tape, so it did have some reason, even if it was not a good one for mistreating her.

Yes, and he would have raped her eventually when she was "ready" (this has happened in many cases). I know of NO cases where someone was abducted and kept alive for years on end just to "look at" or keep the abductor company without the involvement of violence.

Not necessarily raped, maybe if he came to love her, he wouldn't force her if she didn't want to - anyway, let's be brutally sincere, he was about 50 (not that it mattered in Castro's case, it's very individual), so his sex drive wasn't rather that high as it happens with younger men and it wouldn't get higher in the future during those few years when he would wait for her getting a body mature enough to be attractive enough for a non paedophile. There are known cases of children kidnapped to be raised as the kidnappers' own, without paedophilia involved. Like Carlina White or - if we already are talking about Japan - there was a man in that country who kidnapped a boy before Fusako Sano just to raise him as his son.

Shoaf's abductor was a mentally stunted moron who was not planning for the long term. She was only there for a few days and he was stupid enough to give her his phone. That's a one in a million occurrence.

And here I meant just those very rare incidents - even if they did happen just a couple of times, they did.

Most people who actually go out to kidnap someone take every precaution to ensure they have no access to anything they might use to escape.

But I meant those rare cases the abductor wasn't that careful. In pure theory it could happen - and if I was the victim then, I would do my best to get out then in the way described by me.

Similarly, Tamayo's ordeal, while certainly horrible, only lasted for a few days as well, and he let her go quickly.

Nevertheless he did. Whether it happened soon or not. He did and this is which matters.

There are virtually no cases involving long-term abduction where the offender gave a damn about medical assistance for the victim. In 99.9% of the cases, that would never, ever happen. Tamayo was a very lucky exception.

Nevertheless I was originally talking about those lucky exceptions - if I realized that I was in such a lucky situation, I would do what I said. And if such a guy like those spent a long of time with the girl, it's more likely he would think the girl wouldn't leave him, for he could think she developed an attachment to him.

I didn't say it doesn't happen, but again it's rare. In most cases you would just end up with another victim.

I do know it's rare. And I was talkig about such rare occurances. And knowing there would be still a chance, I would take a risk.

Actually, I've studied criminal psychology for a long time and I just don't think the examples above reflect a real understanding of stranger abductions. I get what you're saying - there are exceptions to every rule, and yes, every case is different. But you can't cite the .01% exceptions as being terribly realistic.

But this is what I referred to - those rare cases when a potential kidnapper of mine would show signs of being just mentally unhealthy and not a sadist - I would try to make a use of it. I think those are the only cases when there would be a bigger chance to let of of captivity rather than it would take place in the case of someone like Castro.

In almost every case, medical issues did not lead to release,

I know, I know. But I referred to just those rare ones - I hope you don't think I would count on the mercy of someone really sadistic, like Castro. Anyway, it was a medical issue that led to the Fritzl family letting out and Fritzl was an extremaly cruel man.

Offenders that are delusional enough to be tricked into thinking you actually want to be there tend to be extremely unstable because they're detached from reality.

Then again, Natascha Kampusch, as it's suspected, did want to stay with her kidnapper, choosing to run away after she turned 18, for she had no happy life at home about which he knew, saying her that he "saved her" from her family. I think a smart person could convince a captor that she would want to stay with him, for she was abused at home, her parents were drinking, her father was molesting her, she was bullied at school etc.

That's why I feel that these types of threads are silly. "I would do x or y in such and such situation" is meaningless because, in all likelihood, you would not.

I would try at least. I wouldn't want to stay with my captor for the rest of my life. I would have to do anything to get out and what else could I try to do?

It's so easy to sit at a computer and say "if I were Shawn Hornbeck, I'd have told the police everything when they stopped me, instead of going home to my abuser."

Shawn wanted to stay with that dude, that's all. He had the net access, he could go wherever he wanted etc. I don't believe this boy. Also Elizabeth Smart also seems to me a runaway and not a captive. There were hidden from people interested in this case the proofs she had a history of running away from home, before.

Sadly for people who have survived such ordeals, human psychology is not that simple and real life just doesn't work that way.

I read that the Stockholm Syndrome in most cases is a myth, it was proved recently it happens rarely.


Those are just dumb kidnappers, if anything they'll go get the medicine themselves, not let the person out


Well, first I wouldn't willingly get into a car. Not saying the girls are to blame for this whole thing, but I've never been in a situation where someone offers me a ride. Now, if I was dragged into someone's car, I would scream, bite, hit, try to use self defense,and even do recommended gross things that may turn the kidnapper off like spit, vomit, pee, poop, whatever. With cellphone technology, I'm hoping they'd be able to track me at the house, where I'd try to escape no matter what. Kidnappers usually have empty threats and really wouldn't shoot the person. It's all scare tactics. Those girls went through hell, and I might not have had any better luck, but I think I'd always keep trying to escape.


Simple. I would make a shank of some kind and take him out with a swift blow to the temple or the jugular.


First of all, you can't say "I'll stay with you if..." To a kidnapper because that's simply not your choice.

Second of all that whole "I love you thing" is so played out, they don't fall for that dhit anymore.

None of that would ever work. I was thinking it was 3 of them one of him, kick his ass.


Oh and those are a lot of bad ideas bit the worst was "convince him to kidnap another one" ... You really think he would take you child hunting with him? No he would lock you up in the room until he got back just like Castro did them And you would also be getting another person kidnapped in the process, who would you be helping?


But still, he could get caught, he would get traced afterwards by the police - probably - and I would have a chance to get out. It was the case of Sabine Dardenne.



But what if it doesn't work though... i guess you have to take risks in situations like that though


I have read up on Mr. Castro. He was a cruel sicko.. This might have happened...

1. If the kidnapper wasn't such a bad man only some more or less harmless nutso who kidnapped me to keep him company (like in A Moi Seule by Videau) or for sex (but not that cruel as in the Castro case), I'd do my best to convince him I was unhappy at home and going to stay with him if he gave me anything I wanted. Like for example, some books to read - ones from a library - I'd try to smuggle a note behind the back of some book having a thick cover (like ones of the Twilight novels) - maybe it would fall out and someone would find it and give it to the police.

If you asked him for books,he would probably knock you out and rape you. Or he would buy some books that you like, and burn them in front of you while laughing :(

2. If the scenario was a similar one, I'd convince the kidnapper (after spending some time with him, trying to convince him I liked him) that I had a serious illness, like appendicitis and that he had to take me to hospital.

A freak like Castro would have not taken you to the hospital! Instead he might have given you a mercy killing. And that isn't good either.

3. I'd try to ask him to kidnap another one - there's a chance he would get caught and the police would save me (something like that worked in the case of Sabine Dardenne).

This might work, but if it didn't, it would get worse!

Point is, I didn't do this to put you in your place. I did it to help you! You can't entertain thoughts like this. You cannot reason with the slimeballs of this world. You might attract unwanted attention from these profile types.


What would you do if you were kidnapped to try to get out?

Take a chair or piece of small furniture and smash the covers on the windows when you know people are outside.

Drill or cut a hole in the wall and slip a note out - repeatedly.

Start a fire in the house.

Tell the kid to blow the whistle when she goes to church.

Plan for everyone to scream in unison when they hear someone outside.



Castro checked any books and dvds that were hired from the library for notes
