Very Bergman-esque

Reminded me a lot of Hour of the Wolf as well as Shame (even the Virgin Spring).

Fantastic atmosphere and ceepy tone throughout.

I also liked the ambiguity; the fact that she could have been a witch from the start (hence their banishing) or that could have been pure coincidence and she's recruited after this. Then of course there's the possibility that she isnt a eitch at all and has just eaten some poisonous corn and hallucinated her way through murdering her entire family.

Not a perfect movie but very good.


Clearly I need to watch some more of his movies. I'll check out the ones you listed.


I think Eggers referenced Bergman's "Cries & Whispers" as a direct influence for this film but you can clearly see other Bergman films in there.

Forum of choice -


Which Bergman film would say you say is closest to being horror?


Probably Hour of the Wolf.

Forum of choice -


Eggers is a big Bergman fan. He has listed Hour of the Wolf & Cries and Whispers as two of his favorite horror films.

Hour of the Wolf's influence can be seen on his second feature film The Lighthouse also.
