Good but difficult to watch

Anyone else found this movie extremely burdensome to watch?


I don't think I've ever felt a movie to be burdensome to watch.


Yup. Straight garbage movie. 1/10


It felt like reading a long book, a chore at times but well worth the effort.


It became a little easier with subtitles.


Oh, amen to that!! I tried to watch this once a couple years ago and I had to give up because I didn't have any subtitles to read and was only catching every couple of words or so. Then when I finally tried again a little while ago, I was able to read the subtitles which helped tremendously. And I'm glad I was able to watch to the end because it really is a good movie. Disturbing and fucked up, but good nonetheless.


Exact same thing for me. I didn't have access to subtitles when I first watched it. I watched the whole movie and felt like I didn't get the whole story cause I could barely understand a damn thing. When I streamed it with subtitles, I discovered it was actually a very good movie.


It's one of those films that's well put together. The acting is great, the cinematography is quite good, the story is perfectly acceptable for a Horror, the production values such as the costumes & sets are good, the OST is also good as is the attention to detail (the accuracy of the time period dialogue).

Everything about it in isolation is good or great yet the film itself lacks quite a bit. For me it's the lack of entertainment, it's very low on fun factor.

It's one of those films I'd like to call "so good it's bad". It's almost too serious, meticulous, refined and well performed. It's all very stale.

For example in a hypothetical movie draft, had I to choose films to take with me to a deserted island, this film would get bested by so many schlocky 80s Horror films (I reckon I could name nearly a 100 from the 80s alone). Purely based on entertainment value and rewatchability. This film may be 'better' than others but it's not entertaining.


Agreed. Very well put

The movie is held in extremely high regard by a lot of people but IMO the movie doesn't work as well as it should


Social Media has a tendency to hold certain movies in high regard more than they should, like that horror spoof, "The BLACKENING"


No. In fact, I watched it twice it was so good.


Not for me. I absolutely love slow burners like this and the atmosphere was completely immersive I didn't want it to end.


Very disturbing and quite fucked up.
