This show is so bad

I am very surprised it got picked up for another season.
The basic premise and conflict of the show is bad, and the story
and acting is horrible, not to mention the writing.
It's like a group of billionaires got together and said, hey, let's
all contribute and produce a show that makes rotten billionaires
seem cool!


This show is awful and is not a refection of any billionaires


Don't watch it then. SMH LOL


Would be pretty boring if everyone said "I love this show". Why is it so bad to criticize something you have watched?

About the show - I totally agree that it is terrible. I found it by accident and it sounded good and also with a few good actors I (usually) like.
I have watched 3 episodes and Im about to give up. I know for sure I wont like it no matter how many episodes I watch, but I may keep watching just to see what happens.

The acting is over the top by most actors/actresses - except Damian Lewis and Maggie Siff who`s doing a decent job. Paul Giamatti is acting like a rookie on speed on his first audition. The dialogue is terrible and there is zero chemistry between the characters.

It says "Drama" on IMDb, but its more like an awful combination between bad sense of humor and drama (although I have seen no DRAMA so far). A terrible sitcom without the laughter in the background. I just hate it when humor gone bad is in drama shows. Stick to drama for heavens sake.

My favorite (laughable) scene is whenever that girl is spying on the DA and his staff. Not that its supposed to be fun, its just hilarious how she is sneaking around.


Hey watch it, I have a billion dollars and I think I'm cool. At least I do after I purchase Boardwalk & Park Place Ave 😀


The real money is in being a slum lord at the other end of the board, just sayin.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2
