MovieChat Forums > Billions (2016) Discussion > What do Americans think of Damian Lewis'...

What do Americans think of Damian Lewis's accent?

Sounds pretty OTT to me as a mere Scot. If its your local accent what do you think?


Well, It's not my Local. The U.S had tons of different accents

He has a decent NY accent.


He was in Homeland for years and not forgetting Band of Brothers playing an American. I think most people thought he was American.


I think he nailed it in Band of Brothers. I had no idea he wasn't American, after watching the whole series twice.

He occasionally waivers in Billions, though. Not often, but suddenly he'll say a word in some totally strange way. Not really OTT, though. Just not 100%.

And, even though he usually sounds American in Billions, he doesn't really sound like a working class native NYer -- or even like a former working class native NYer made good and trying for a little polish. In Band of Brothers, he had that salt-of-the-earth, farm-boy, middle American accent that fit his character's background perfectly. In Billions, I can hear his English "public school" diction coming through the American accent: he sounds nothing like someone who went to one of the NYC public schools (which aren't posh).


So Americans actually talk like that then? Jings, I thought it was well put on!


Both are true for New Yorkers. Theres a lot of humor underlying both of them. Move here (as I did) and you'll find yourself doing it too. The devils all wear Prada. Some of the tourists even come looking for it.


When I first saw him in 'Life,' I had no idea he wasn't actually American.


I'm from NYC and he does a great job with the accent


This IS a rather large country with many accents.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


Scotland is a small country with very many accents. Which is why, in my original question, I asked for comment from anyone whose local accent this is (or is meant to be).



That's why the guy said "local"

He wants to know if "locals" think his accent is good

As in NYC

As opposed to "national" which is a word he didn't use but you still replied to


His NY accent in Billions is practically flawless...

can't outrun your own shadow


I read in another thread where someone said that he was over the top and if that is the real New Yorker accent, that is was an assault on the ears.

As a New Yorker, and as a fan of Damian Lewis, his accent is practically flawless. The US is filled with many different accents but New York itself also has a variety of accents. Considering the fact that New York has boroughs like Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, etc., the boroughs themselves have different varying accents.

If Damian Lewis was a regular joe walking down the street and I started to chat with him, I would think he was a regular old New Yorker.
