MovieChat Forums > Billions (2016) Discussion > Wendy was always on Team Axe. Good ridd...

Wendy was always on Team Axe. Good riddance. Horrible wife and person.

In the end, Wendy effectively admits that Chuck was right on every actual issue.

- They are all criminals.
- Her "work" isn't important.
- She benefits from their criminal activity.
- She never really assessed her surroundings because it was more comfortable not to do so.
- Her relationship with Axe has consequences for their marriage due to Axe (Her internet search history, etc)

But not only that, but she is a COLD HEARTLESS B#TCH and she is actually the only character that never reflected on her own decisions under any circumstances until her final scene

Wendy's work consisted of nothing more than stroking the egos of super-rich criminals, and yet because her "work was important" she pressured Chuck to recuse himself from prosecuting the criminals.

And when Chuck bared his soul to her late that night about how it made him feel for her to have such a close relationship with a criminal like Axe, SHE DID NOT CARE. She looked at him clinically. She said, "That's honest". She seemed to find it "interesting". The pain and anguish of her husband didn't register. She never seemed to ever care what he thought of her.

But she always cared what Axe thought, and always excused his behavior.

She told her husband that Axe was more honest than him and that she got more from that relationship than theirs AFTER Axe blackmailed her! WTF.

Can you imagine telling your spouse that their relationship with someone hurts you deeply and them not caring....and then they go and spend all night out with that person...and then even after all of your accusations against the person are proven right, they still side with the other person instead of you, their spouse?

The bottom line is that Wendy was always on Team Axe.

Her fun, interesting, and profitable relationship with a criminal was vastly more important than her family.

BYE B#TCH. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!


Wow no replies? Must have rubbed a nerve. Lol.

Not a fan of IMDB new email log in. I lost my 15 year birthday cake!!


A lot of what your sock puppet wrote has been covered in other threads.


Yes , you can tell the poster has multiple accounts badmouthing the show and Siff.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot



Then she got pissed at Chuck for checking her therapist notes (which of course he had no right to) but she was covering up a crime so the blame lies on both.

She realized it and quit the job. But her hubby still betrayed her(Told her left the case MULTIPLE times and lied about the outcome of the deal meeting with axe she set up), and Axe bretrayed her too. So she ditched them both.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


LOL. In the end, she left her husband and tore her family apart because he forced her to face the reality of her bullsh#t position as a ego-stroker for criminals.

"You don't get to ask me that question ANY MORE" she said as she left. ANY MORE?

There was no "any more". The first time he asked her that hard question, the FIRST MOMENT in the show where she was forced to consider HER actions she lashed out at him, left, and ran away.

Good riddance. Horrible wife, mother, and human being.


Totally agree with you & the original post.
I sympathized with Wendy a bit at first. But then when I saw how easy it was for her to get an equally good job--better in fact cuz the people were more moral--and she was waffling and lying to Chuck about it, she lost me.
Re the finances thing: doesn't Chuck come from money? his parents seem to live pretty well.


It's illegal for a therapist to withhold their patients crimes from the authorities.

Is it really? I always thought they only had to report it if someone's life was in immediate danger. Otherwise everything the patient says is protected under patient-doctor confidentiality.

"Necessity is the mother of invention"


Really? You think some random guy that joined in 2015 is a duplicate account of mine which was created in 2010, five years before? lol


BYE B#TCH. Don't let the door hit ya on the way o

Umm, She.s not leaving the show LOL,,,and Both Axe and Chuck are gonna try to get her back.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


your post needs more commas.


How many vajjinas does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Just one.


Wow. What an emotional post. Lol. Correct me if I am wrong. In one of the early episode Wendy said that if she quit Axe Capital, she will get much, much less salary since she probably will work in non profit organization. With Chuck's salary, they are not able to send the kids to Chucks's almamater private schools. She said that the public schools in their area is quite good but then Chuck insisted that their kids have to go to this private school that he and his dad went to. Now, why Chuck won't work in the pricate sector that offer him $9 million salary?
I admitted that Wendy looks more protective toward Axe than to her husband. I did not know what the writers have in mind for those 4 characters. It seems like the writers wanted to make the relationship between Axe and Wendy to cause insecurities to both Chuck and Lara characters. Probably they will write it more deeply in season 2. Who knows?
Again, if I am not mistaken, Wendy did not say that Axe is more honest than Chuck in their argument but mostly she refer to her patients at Axe Cap. that Chuck refer as "criminals". I don't think is fair just to blame Wendy for their marriage. IMHO.


I agree as well. The main characters are all complicated and nuanced and no one is fully culpable for what happens. Obviously no one is innocent either.
As far as the marriage goes, I think it would be more logical to ask what Wendy is doing with Chuck. She is better looking and makes way more money than he does.



Wow. You don't know how to make someone want to keep reading your post. lol


I agree.


Thanks for this thread. I agree with you. The idea of a wife working for her husband's enemy is dumb and for Axe to want her still working there was especially stupid.

No she was not a loyal wife at all. My question is what did he ever see in her?


Well.....yes and no.

Chuck is right on those points, but he sure does not seem to mind living in a $10mm+ brownstone/townhouse and having his kids attend an elite private school all paid for my Axe Capital. On his salary they would be renting a small two bedroom apartment in Queens and sending their kids to failing public school.

Also lets not forget to what lengths Chuck is willing to go to to indite Bobby. He deliberately broke doctor patient privilege knowing this is against the law.

So it's a bit unfair to call Wendy a horrible wife when he husband is pretty rotten himself.



So much face/palm I don't have time to go over it all.


She;s acting not unlike every psycho-therapist I ever heard of::::::::

Tells her clients what they want to hear

Full of self importance

Curing any problem is against their self interests

Her husband was fairly cold throughout, only concerned about himself, and/or his target

Great match-up

You don't have to stand tall, but you do have to stand up!
