Wendy + Axe? Nah.

I don't see the sexual tension at all. i see her as manipulative + in control of every situation she is in - and it's awesome. Axe is a pathetic little baby, and she drives that bus exactly where she wants.
Everything Wendy does serves her best interest, and the beauty of it is that the men in her life have no idea. She lets Axe and Chuck both think they're in charge..they may wear the pants, but she picks them out, irons them and selects a matching tie.


Did they really had any relationship before?


Maybe a drunken one night stand both are trying to forget during the early years.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


even now it seems the next scene involving the two of them is going to be intimate but we are waiting.


Did they really had any relationship before?

You mean a romantic relationship? No one knows

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


Both men are very aware of her power over them. Bobby said to his wife "she's the only one who can give me what I need right now" - and she looked equally pissed to Chuck when Wendy spoke about her special relaionship to Bobby and Chuck was guilt ridden without having a permission to be spanked.
To give another perspective: When a person has proven themselves to be mentally strong and giving good advice, certain types tend to rely on those qualities and might over time refrain from doing the work on their own. What might have started as an equal partnership/friendship could develop into a parent-child dynamic.
I, too, have friends who provide me with unique insight, which I highly regard. But their insight is a plus, it does not hinder me in finding my own solutions or to learn and adapt qualities I'd admire in them. Bringing everything to a halt and waiting for their input, is where I'd draw the line.
To me, both men here have major mommy issues.


So why did she allow herself to get naked in a hot tub with him. Not a normal thing to do for a professional - she would probably loose her credentials.


Because she knew nothing was going to happen, the chick has a weird view on sex herself, it's not all just Chuck.


You're making her out to be a manipulative villain

And to me she isn't

Sure she reads people but she never manipulates Chuck or Bobby

She stands her ground when they push too hard, and she pushes really hard herself

She never manipulates them



I like the fact that she gets beat up like every body else in the show. Sure she's manipulative. All shrinks are - but for a good purpose. Her pop psychology blows my mind. She can diagnose and fix you in 3 sentences. It's not therapy what she does. Its performance enhancement. Its powerful just the same. She's attractive.
