Tattooed Wife

Sorry but a Wall Street billionaire would not be married to a woman with a huge tattoo. It is unrealistic and further brainwashing of the Hollywood Crowd to normalize these disgusting eye sores. Famous people like actors or NFL stars are not the typical professionals that would rarely if ever sport those disgusting things. Most of you know I am right. You are more likely to see a tattoo on an inmate than an attorney for an example.


Young people have tattoos. Older people and richer people associate tattoos with criminals, drug addicts, and gangs. If she was from old money it's unlikely she would get a tattoo. She isn't from old money.


I'm not even sure if those idiotic posts are made by some real crazy conservatists or trolls. There's nothing wrong in having tatoos, if you have a problem with that go back to XVI century


I am entitled to my opinion. I think they are low class. Most of the people that have them are smokers anyway... Follow the crowd people.


Based on the plot, I think they were together before he became a billionaire.

So , it is much more likely.


I'm really sorry you have such narrow-minded views. Having said that, it's realistic: she comes from a low income NY family. She's not old money - and you can also see that by the way she dresses, which is far more casual than any socialite born with a silver spoon. Oh, and she swears. A LOT. As normal folks do.


It depends on the tattoos. Tears next to an eye usually mean prison time. A lot of people tattoo over them with crosses if they reform. Some tattoos are associated with criminal gangs. Someone with a woodpecker and the title "peckerwood" is associated with white supremacist prison gangs.


Sorry but a Wall Street billionaire would not be married to a woman with a huge tattoo.

You might be right on this if Bobby was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. From his story at the end of 1x02 while wearing a metallica t-shirt, he has come from nothing, just like his wife. I doubt Bobby cares that his wife has a tattoo and cares more about the fact that they both know what it feels like to come from nothing. And based off the way his wife threatened that lady in 1x01, she has a killed or be killed mentality that he also has. So far, to me, these two seem like they'd be together.


I don't know if that is true or not. A billionaire would marry whomever they want to,
and probably no one, especially without a pre-nup.

But, I am very glad to hear someone calling this trend of showing tattooes on everyone.

I think the sole reason for showing so many tattoos is that there are many more rich
people now and they need a large pool of prostitutes and drug dealers, so all the people
who get tattoos pretty much liimit their career choices.

I was surprised on the show "The Leftovers" how the Sheriff character had tattoos
all over his body. I guess Jennifer Anniston likes that, but it just creeps me out.


Agreed. Despite what the yuutes will say (and have said in replies), in polite circles, tattoos = low class. But the wife's origin is low class, so it fits.


Well.....I do not disagree that you are more likely so see a tattoo on an inmate than an attorney and that actors and athletes that have them are not the typical professional and most professionals would not have one.

However, one of the points of this series is the Bobby came from a humble background. The same is true for his wife Lara. They understood that they were outsiders, but now that they are billionaires they do not have to take any sht and can now say fk you. You saw how Bobby pokes fun at the new analyst's educational background and yet he cannot put the whole picture together. You also see how Lara tells the widow crying about the fact that she had to see the family's boat that yes she is threatening her and will destroy her if she ever insults her husband in public or in front of people again.

So yes, while 99% of the wives of the Wall Street elite do not have tattoos, the fact that she has one is supposed to demonstrate their outsider position and that they simply do not care.


When I saw them walk from the street into the charity event and eyed the gross inked blotch on her back, it looked like a large black skin tumor. Yikes!

katie keene


Exactly, Now half of the stupid American women will get one just like it.


I'd hit it.



So yes, while 99% of the wives of the Wall Street elite do not have tattoos, the fact that she has one is supposed to demonstrate their outsider position and that they simply do not care.

If they're under 50, I'm willing to bet there are more butterflies, roses and flowers on a hip or ankle than you think.

I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.


Neither her nor her husband went to an Ivy League school or came from an old money family. They came from an environment where people wear a tattoo if they feel like having one.

They also don't mind rubbing people's faces in it if they detect they are being condescended to.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


In the first episode she makes it clear that she had a working class upbringing. It's made pretty clear that Bobby and his wife like rubbing their blue collar roots in the faces of old money.

Darling, I am trouble of the most spectacular kind!


The thing I thought when I saw her tattoo was, "how generic." Of course, that makes sense for TV, because they don't want to spend time on the meaning of an interesting tattoo. I think they wanted to stress that they are a young couple with a working-class background who happened to become billionaires.

As a woman with a sizable tattoo, I was careful to have it placed in a location that is not likely to be seen in many situations. The only time it's ever seen is in a swim suit, or when I'm wearing my short shorts for running...and even in my shorts, only the bottom two inches of the tattoo are ever seen. I grew up in a middle-class California home, work a professional job in Washington, DC, and live a great life with a tattoo that means a lot to me. That being said, I'm on the older end of the Millenial spectrum, and my generation is very likely to be tatted.


It is a cultural thing. While my friendships and associations cross many classes, I can honesty say that the only people with tattoos are those I have met through 12-step programs. In fact, whenever gratitude is the topic, I have to be careful not to say that "I am grateful that I got sober before tattoos became fashionable." Might cause a resentment here and there. ;-) I am also the guy who got an earring in 1977, in Ohio, so I'm no stranger to being on the edge. In my other life among professional class individuals, though, I am not aware of anyone with a tattoo.

The Columbia River Maritime Museum in Astoria Oregon had a great exhibit (perhaps traveling) about the history of tattoos, which started with the sailors who visited the polynesian islands before and during WW-II. They adopted the cultural practice from the natives, which explains why the biggest areas for it in the US are San Diego, San Francisco, and New Orleans. Locals then co-opted it into the US population in general. I live in Portland where it is getting hard to tell whether a woman is wearing decorative tights or is fully tatted. The thing is, people often get tats to make a statement, but often don't think of the statement they are making. I got my earring so as to appear more edgy and increase my chances of getting laid. But I stopped wearing it when it no longer worked as bait in the new pond where I was fishing, at least for the species that I wanted to catch.

As for the wife here, at least she wasn't sporting a full blown tramp stamp with a low cut gown. But it was still way more than any of the other blue blood wives who attended seven sisters schools had on their bodies.

I think my percentage of Chimp DNA is higher than others. Cleaver Greene


That is a real tattoo, which makes her a moron in real life too. Why a beautiful woman would do that to their body is beyond me.


Because women can do whatever the fk we want with our bodies, and we don't give two shîts what you dogwanks think about it.


Evidently you do care, because you took the time to post. I am entitled to my opinion.


It certainly makes it easy for us (women) to weed out asshats that base their value of a person on a tattoo.

I can't hear you over the volume of my hair.


The only people who get tattoos are the ones trying to cover some past pain with a different pain.

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley
