MovieChat Forums > Billions (2016) Discussion > Great season finale to a great show !

Great season finale to a great show !

The season finale of "Billions" last night proved its among the best written shows, probably next to "The Affair". I liked "Billions" from the very first episode; one of my favorite episode was Ep 4: "Short Squeeze" when it starts with "Andrew Bird's song “Oh No", when trader "Mick Danzig" walks out on his lawn with a machine gun and starts shooting at the Deer on his property. What was interesting to me in that scene was the catchy little song, it kept returning to the phrase “harmless sociopaths,” that pretty much summed up the theme of "Billions". I would have liked to have seen more episodes that dealt with trader's like Danzig and their perspective on life; perhaps that can be explored in the Season 2.



This show sucked.And your reviews tells us why you're a horrid judge of quality

Thanks for being a Troll, I know you just could not help yourself, it's an addiction with you Trolls to be a douche, to be RUDE and Ridicule others when you can't contribute. I know it must be a habit you can't



Says the pathetic loser who trashes acclaimed movies in his reviews and posting history.

You fit the definition of a Troll so well and here is why:
A troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into argument.

I am not a FANBOY?. Whatever my reviews on other movies is irrelevant to this show or topic and it should not any concern to YOU. But since you are a miserable lonely pathetic Troll to continue and come back to this message board and constantly insult and ridicule others says volume about YOU. If you didn't like the show, then start your own thread but why come to a thread and trash it?...GET A LIEF



A review about other films can speak volumes about a person's judgement,so it's not irrevelant.

And it doesn't concern me,but it's a perfect example why you're a horrid judge of quality

Every one on this thread had told you the same thing but you keep coming back, its a sickness with you Trolls.
You seriously need to GET SOME HELP.
take a hike and stay on your own thread and rant as much as you want...Lol



Keep ranting in those retarded reviews by the way

Ok thanks I will, and you keep Trolling Troll, Happy Trails...LMAO..😄



This show sucked.And your reviews tells us why you're a horrid judge of quality

Than go to the board of a show you LIKE.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot



I agree the show was pretty great.

I don't understand the troll comments as why would you go to a show that A. You don't like... and continue to post on? Maybe one or two comments on saying I'm done with this show or it's losing me, I might leave... but to continue on when it's over.... waste of time IMO.

Or B. You don't even watch... so why be here in the first place.

If I bail on a show the last thing I do is hang around the msg boards.



I love the show. It is a little farfetched and not the best written show on Earth, but it is HIGHLY entertaining, in my opinion.

Fly Eagles Fly



I didn't mind Billions but I thought the writing had a ton of holes and absurd moments. It also had some good ones. I'll keep the negativity to a minimum though as fanboys are oh so sensitive. I'll be back next season to see how it goes but quickly learned to keep my expectations limited. Not bad enough to bail though.


Looong wait till season 2 :(

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


Looong wait till season 2 :(

Yes you are right, its a long wait to season 2, the problem with these new shows is that they are only 10 or 12 episodes in one whole season, not like before when it was maybe 20. I guess they can create more seasons and drag it longer. There are other shows starting soon like "Game of Thrones", so I don't know if you watch that?

I started this thread to kind of discuss this past season's show of "Billions", perhaps what they could have done better or not. Suddenly this douche Troll "Tomahawksbone" came along and just ruined it. Bdw, thanks for your comments to him about that. I guess some people just have nothing better to do. The funny part is he never explained why the show is bad or support his statement with some examples, other than to just mouth off and insult.

I think "Billions" could have been a better show if they had explored the characters of other traders staff who worked for AXE Capital. They did that with once with in Ep 4 with the guy shooting the Deer with the machine gun, but I wanted to see more of that. They spent too much time on Chuck and Axelrod's cat and mouse game. So maybe in Season 2 the writers can go further?


Yes you are right, its a long wait to season 2, the problem with these new shows is that they are only 10 or 12 episodes in one whole season, not like before when it was maybe 20

Gosh, I miss the days when there were all 20 plus episodes in an American TV show. There are still are some on the air.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


Maybe I'm wrong here but isn't it about 10 ep for cable and about 20 ep for broadcast?

And it's been like that for awhile?


You could just put he/she/it on ignore. As such, you might end up on ignore as well.

I think my percentage of Chimp DNA is higher than others. Cleaver Greene


As such, you might end up on ignore as well.

With that particular poster(with multiple accounts) does not sound half bad.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot
