MovieChat Forums > Billions (2016) Discussion > Why Did Axe Want To Keep Wendy Around In...

Why Did Axe Want To Keep Wendy Around In The First Place?

Not that I'm complaining because she is damn fine and I love her character but you'd think a man as smart as Axe wouldn't want to keep the wife of the person trying to bring him down around him like that. Also, he trusted her too much. I know the old saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" but it's not like she was helping him other than having a sexy shrink to talk to. Maybe, he had a crush on her and was hoping to get her in bed?


Wendy was hired by Axe Capital long before she even met Chuck in the first place. One episode eluded to the fact that she was top of her class in med school and she wanted to have a challenging position. If Bobby wanted to bang her he would have did it long ago, or perhaps in season 2 we will get a flash back that would indicate they previously had an intimate relationship?


Because she as a huge asset to the company and made him lots and lots of money.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


The first episode when she straightens out the portfolio manager who is having a tough run is why. As someone who works in finance, I cannot begin to tell you how stressful the job is, and there is nothing more stressful than managing money. You not only have to make money, you are expected to outperform the indexes and you are also measured against your peers.

Bobby Axelrod, as many real life hedge fund CEOs under stand this and want to keep a psychiatrist on staff. In addition to the stress of having to make money or get fired, they understand that there can be numerous issues at home as well. Having someone like Wendy on staff and who the employees can drop by to see anytime helps a high stress work environment.


Does her position exist in the real world? I know some corporations may keep some sort of mental health professional on their HR team to deal with employee complaints or occupational related stress. And there are career coaches who are supposed to hone a path to success for lost corporate souls. Wendy goes beyond that. She functions as some kind of psycho pep squad. She is there to keep all the brokers in their optimal moneymaking zone. Axe went to her as if he was bringing his psyche in for a tune-up. This is kind of science fiction psychology.

be ayse der wax falama. ok hoone


This is kind of science fiction psychology.

Not according to the people who do it.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


Sound like modern day snake oil salesmen to me, but more power to them for getting rich off of the rich.

be ayse der wax falama. ok hoone


When Wendy leaves, he out and out says she's outlived her usefulness as an insight to Chuck.


When Wendy leaves, he out and out says she's outlived her usefulness as an insight to Chuck.

Nope, His wife said that. Axe replied "She's more than that"

His wife wants her gone because she is jealous of the relationship, just like Chuck.


Yeah you're right. The episode to me was just a blur of sh*t hitting the fan built up through the season.


The episode to me was just a blur of sh*t hitting the fan.

Nice alternative title for the episode "sh*t hitting the fan"


Axe's next big freak out (which is very frequent) he'll be on the phone begging Wendy for anything.

Not a fan of IMDB new email log in. I lost my 15 year birthday cake!!


Axe's next big freak out (which is very frequent) he'll be on the phone begging Wendy for anything.

Yup, S2 will partly be about them both trying to get her back.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


In their different ways, both Bobby and Chuck are kind of addicted to Wendy--they both need a regular fix of her to keep functioning. Bobby needs her as a therapist, who can get him to understand himself, his motivations, etc.--and how to apply that insight, without screwing up his market insight/ability to make money. Chuck needs her as a woman who can be wife, mother, helpmeet--and dominatrix for that little s/m thing he's into.
Yes, with a lot of looking, they both could find a substitute for her probably--but it'd be hard to find someone with the right combination of talents. That's why they both want her so desperately.


Am I the only one who thinks she is into the weird sex just as much as he is. They have been at this for quite a while. I just don't see her enjoying vanilla sex with a 9 to 5 man. She may be the one whom wants it to continue.


This was the biggest problem I had with the show. It's absurd that Axe would be telling Wendy all these secrets knowing that her husband is aggressively trying to take him down. And that someone as underhanded as him would never try to use that situation to his own advantage. And that Chuck would have ever tried pursuing a case against Axe given his wife's position there. I like the show but that whole Wendy aspect really took me out of the whole thing.
