S3: Bored to Tears

I’m so sick of Taylor and of Taylor’s arc. She has long overstayed her welcome. She was a quirky side story at best. To me, the show is about Paul and Damon trying to destroy each other with Maggie caught in the middle. That was an awesome premise.


Does not seem like you are bored. More annoyed over a character you feel uncomfortable with. When you grow older and maybe find love you might grow over the underlying insecurities.


I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about lol. I actually thought Taylor was a compelling character (and still do to an extent). But she’s not compelling enough to have so much screen time this season, and *definitely* not a good enough actress.

It’s becoming “The Taylor Hour” and The show doesn’t need that.


I fully agree, I was fascinated by the 'Chuck vs Bobbie' conflict and moral dilemmas, power/money conflicts, and out of a sudden this somewhat uninteresting and shallow 'Taylor' character pops up and hijacks the airtime. They should let her go and continue without her - if it's not too late for the show already.


You do realise you are being totally disrespectful by calling them a she. They identify as non-binary in the show and IRL. Therefore non-binary pronouns should be used.


You all REALLY want me to have a problem with her gender and I simply don’t care. I. Don’t. Care. Let it go. Whatever she (it, they) wants to call herself is irrelevant to me. All I’m saying is she is too weak of an actress to command so much screen-time.



'Them' is a term used for a multiple of things. Unless she's suffering from dissociative disorder or 'multiple personality disorder', I will keep to call her 'she', as she has breasts and definitely looks more like a woman than a man.
