MovieChat Forums > Billions (2016) Discussion > Chuck’s Flushed His Marriage

Chuck’s Flushed His Marriage

How many times is Wendy going to tolerate him lying to her and putting his career ahead of their marriage? This time, her humiliation was public, and right in front of her Axe Cap colleagues. She is much stronger than Chuck is. He’s gonna crumble like a cookie when she walks out. THEN he’ll know what pain truly is.


Yeah she'll bail on him and that's when Bobby Axelrod will figure out a way to sit her down and convince her otherwise as savior of Chuck's marriage. That's my forecast at least.


You know what? That sounds plausibile.


And now, with episode 4.9, we’re back to the Rhodes marriage once again circling down the ceramic bowl. “There are some things more important than marriage”?! Like what? Isolation, megalomania and celibacy? Why the hell did Wendy marry him?


Episode 4.10:

WENDY Chuck, when did you know that you needed to marry me? (Pause, CU CHUCK looking consternated, PAN to WENDY medium) I mean the exact moment. And why.

CHUCK (chuckles) One single moment . . . (Pause, shakes head) . . . uh, I don’t remember.



Great take
