Best jump scare ever?

I've just seen this film and loved it. Comparisons with Babadook are fair I'd say. There is a jump scare I won't spoil here but you'll know it when you watch the film. I almost shouted out loud in fright, the chap in front of me screamed F&%K then looked somewhat abashed. As good as the grave scene at the end of Carrie if not better. Great creepy atmospheric tension. Recommended.


Are you referring to the scene where she wakes up and sees the figure in the doorway that runs away down the hall?


I think he is talking about the scene where an arm breaks through the window glass and then we realize it's a dream.


The funny thing is that's such a generic jump scare that it's not worthy of the title of the thread. Tbh there were so many better crafted scary scene here although not exactly jump scares were far more effective.


Definitely not the best ever. I've seen so many horror films and the dream jump scare cut to waking up from nightmare is a classic horror Trope. I was prepared (it still got me) but definitely not best ever.


yeah, that whole scene played out well, and I kept wondering why.. I think because the room was well lit, but still dark enough to not have this safe ordinary feel and you knew something is going to happen, and whatever it is, you are going to see well for a moment, you felt vulnerable as opposed to the jump scares of other horror movies when they are in the dark so you expect less of an effect and has one.

also having a different kind of scare what you would expect helped as well, as I was expecting some figure in the background behind her - like some old man or a hag..

I think jump scares in themselves are cheap, but for them to work you got to have the right atmosphere, which I value. I wouldnt jump from just some ugly shít thrown at my face with a noise, so if it works, they did something well.


For me, the best jump scare in this film was when Shideh walks into the hallway, the Djinn is standing right behind her in the dark corner and all the sudden jumps out and goes inside the apartment smashing the door. Why that was scary to me because I didn't see the Djinn standing in the corner, so when it jumped out my heart stopped. The Djinn in general scared the *beep* out of me. Sounds stupid but when I was young (say around 7yrs old) and watched The Muppets Christmas Carol the third ghost gave me nightmares for years! The Djinn brought me back to that :S


This was my biggest too. It was also her cackle, like an old lady - I've noticed old ladies are the thing that best gets me in horror (thank you The Shining).

This movie did jump scares well, and I'm trying to figure out why it worked in this but not in similar movies. I was expecting the window one I'll admit - I think people are talking about it because they didn't expect jump scares in the movie, but for me it was foreshadowed with an early "fake" jump scare via that toast scene. (I laughed at that one - didn't expect them to change the scene so abruptly.)

The old man in the hallway and the husband in bed scares also both landed hard on me. They played off that sleep paralysis mythology pretty hard. Maybe that's why the full reveal of the lady djinn got me - it was the first scare with no symptoms of sleep paralysis. Up until then, everything worked either thoroughly as "this is sleep paralysis" or at least loosely played with the symptoms.

The fake Dorsa scare wasn't as bad for me as the fake fake Dorsa scare (um, the real Dorsa when we think she's fake). I like that subtle horror, where it's just slightly out of focus and you never get a good enough look, and keep wondering what the hell that "thing" was (and then it's the real one? really great twist there).

I loved this movie!


The best one for me is REC. I was lying in bed watching that and nearly dropped the tablet.

"I'm entitled. Simple. End of.."


I've never reacted to one more. It's brilliant because it has really set a tone where you're not expecting one.

Prepare your minds for a new scale of physical, scientific values, gentlemen.


I watched it on the train and jumped and let out a small scream and terrified the poor old dude sitting next to me and the couple opposite.
