Adam Strange

What are y'all's thoughts on Adam Strange in this show?

When I started watching, I was surprised and delighted by the appearance of Adam Strange, a smaller DC character. He pops up and is like, "Hey, I just got here from the future using my zeta beam. We have to save the future and real heroes like Superman."
And I was like, "cool."

Then I was like, "WAIT A SECOND..." since a) the zeta beam isn't a time travel device, and b) Adam Strange is not Booster Gold, and wouldn't even act as insecure in the role of hero like him.
But in this show, he does.

Since Adam is the only "superhero" who shows up on this show, it became a bit distracting to see him. Seg-El and company were fine, but then Adam would show up, and it just felt like he was supposed to be more important than he was (even though Adam isn't that well-known of a character.) I was able to roll with this starkly different take on the character, since I really enjoyed how he was used in the story and fit in well with the plot. It was a bit weird, though, to see Adam so inexperienced and helpless, even talking once about how great Superman is, and how many hero titles he has (like "Man of Steel") and how he, Adam Strange, is just a nobody. Yet, if you know the character, you know he's the "Hero of Rann" and "The Man of Two Worlds." So, the show seems to just have adopted the name "Adam Strange" and then just done whatever they wanted.
Season 2 was a bit worse for Adam, since by the end of it I was asking why he was even still here. He did very little in the second half of the season, since anything he could do was done by the supporting cast. Even when he FINALLY gets his ray gun and jet pack (two things Adam Strange always has,) he still isn't able to get anything done with them.

Basically, IMO, if you look at the Adam Strange on this show as a new character who coincidentally has the same name as the hero, the role started off strong, and then faded. If you look at it as a take on the character, he basically starts off as a knock-off Booster Gold, and then fades from there. I liked the actor, but it became harder and harder to like the character when he seemed to mostly mope and get into trouble and have to be helped and/or saved.
