MovieChat Forums > Les innocentes (2016) Discussion > My one issue with this film.

My one issue with this film.

What are the chances of all of them getting pregnant? It would be very unlikely that they were all ovulating at the same exact time.


The Soviets stayed for a very long time.

The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.
- Ayn Rand


That was my exact thought too when watching this. What are the odds? I mean, I suppose it's possible, but pretty unlikely. The Mother Superior said that the soldiers stayed for several days, not months. All the nuns were in advanced stages of pregnancy. Hmmm.....


All the nuns were in advanced stages of pregnancy. Hmmm.....

I never got the impression that all the nuns were pregnant, just a lot of them. Keep in mind, women working in the same office, let alone living in the same home, often link menstrual cycles. They would, in fact, have similar periods of ovulation.

It could happen.

The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.
- Ayn Rand


Right... and besides that, I believe one of the nuns mentions how the Soviets came back a few times and each time she thought the soldiers would finally just kill everyone.


I never got the impression that all the nuns were pregnant, just a lot of them. Keep in mind, women working in the same office, let alone living in the same home, often link menstrual cycles. They would, in fact, have similar periods of ovulation.

It could happen.

And remember, only seven of them were pregnant, but all of them were raped repeatedly for days. AND there was a mention that the Germans had abused them first, then the Soviets took the area, and raped them some more.

I believe the movie also covered a time period at least a month perhaps a few months. There could be pregnancies from the time of the Germans and then some from the Soviets.

What I found a bit of a problem was that only the Mother Superior was found to have VD. Or perhaps she was just the more advanced case because all of the nuns were raped, and I can't see the ONLY man with VD raped ONLY the one elderly nun.

Or, and this just occurred to me. Syphilis is not an instant disease, hardly becoming "advanced" in just nine months. The nurse said the Mother Superior had "advanced" lesions, and she certainly was in general bad health. It also takes time for the disease to cause mental and decision making problems.

Perhaps she, as Mother Superior, when the Germans first took the area was raped as a lesson or expression of control. She may have kept it secret from the other nuns. The only comfort in that scenario would be that she would have passed on the disease to the next lot of men who raped her.

Be who you are. Everyone else is already taken.


I understood it as a one time occurance over days by the Soviets. "They stayed for days."

And the subsequent deliveries (beyond the 7) had been 'surprise' even to the pregnant woman -- she said it's possible there would be more of those.


Good point about the same cycles. It happens!


She also said they came back 3 times.

She said first the Germans came, then the Russians. The nuns received the same treatment from all the soldiers was my understanding, which is why some gave birth before others.


Man, I thought there was something I missed. The odds that that many women were pregnant at the same time is nearly impossible.


There was only like 7 of them pregnant out of like dozens of nuns who were all raped.

Makes sense to me.
