MovieChat Forums > Catastrophe (2015) Discussion > Am I the only person not to find this Fu...

Am I the only person not to find this Funny?

I see this has something like an 8.5 IMDb rating and hear lots of people sincerely raving about it.

But just wondering does anyone genuinely not find this funny?

I'm not here to slag it off, as I've watched all 3 episodes aired so far, and really want to give it a chance, but just can't remember laughing at anything in it so far. Not sure she felt like crying or if she was horny?... mehhh..


Parts are really hard to watch, I'll grant you that.
It's not all comedy, this is satire at its biting best.


I agree with the OP. We are just starting S3, and are enjoying it, but would NOT say it’s funny. A few funny parts here or there, but nothing nearly as funny as others seem to think.

I recently read a book by a British author who got lots of “it’s very funny” reviews from Brits. One mentioned that if you are an American and don’t think it’s funny, it’s because you don’t understand British humor.

So, maybe that’s the case here, for me.
