MovieChat Forums > Two Lovers and a Bear (2016) Discussion > Two phenomenally talented actors

Two phenomenally talented actors ne-dehaan-join-two-lovers-and-a-bear.html#~p5uarWp4sbduhJ -lovers-bear/

Not much information is available on this film, but the two leads have me excited. They are both so talented. Looking forward to seeing this film.

Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.~~~ Markus Zusak


They are great actors! I hope this movie is good. This plot doesn't give me a burning desire to see it though. A talking polar bear? haha Lets hope it's really good!!


They are great actors! I hope this movie is good. This plot doesn't give me a burning desire to see it though. A talking polar bear? haha Lets hope it's really good!!

This is the first I've heard about the bear talking. LOL. I'm definitely looking forward to hearing more plot details about this filmī€¹.

Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.~~ Markus Zusak


I love both of them this is going to at least be interesting to see on a performance level. Also didn't know it had a talking polar bear in it.


I love both of them this is going to at least be interesting to see on a performance level. Also didn't know it had a talking polar bear in it.

I think they're both so talented and interesting to watch. I'd watch these two together in pretty much anything. A talking bear?! This definitely won't be a boring film. LOL.

Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.~~Markus Zusak


Yeah I thought Orphan blacks best quality was Tatiana playing all the characters for sure and Dane is just entertaining and if you listen to his interviews he really is passionate about his characters. If this is 2016 supposedly then we should be hearing more soon.


Yeah I thought Orphan blacks best quality was Tatiana playing all the characters for sure and Dane is just entertaining and if you listen to his interviews he really is passionate about his characters. If this is 2016 supposedly then we should be hearing more soon.

Yes. Tatiana's multi-character portrayals on OB are just amazing. She really makes you believe those are all different people. And Dane, I saw him in the film Chronicle and that role alone pretty much made me a fan for life. Wow. Talk about intense and powerful performances.

Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.~~ Markus Zusak


Dane played Andrew so well I agree you should check out Kill your darlings and his work in the show In treatment If you haven't already.


Love them both. I'm very happy and excited about this, regardless of plot.


id watch a movie that was just Tatiana sitting in a chair reading a phone book for two hours. Add in that Dane shows a ton of promise and i think this movie is absolutely worth checking out


i just watched trailer it looks good




I saw it at TIFF today. I liked it a lot (I went in with no expectations one way or the other). It's shot way north in Canada near the arctic circle. The two key actors are great. The boy can talk to bears it appears, voice is Gordon Pinsett, which is cool.

My only comment is why is everything shot in extreme closeup nowadays. I mean it's an effective technique, but if you do it all the time it gets old fast.
