MovieChat Forums > Minority Report (2015) Discussion > awful ending for an awful show

awful ending for an awful show

the ending does not make any sense. (episode 10 season 1 or only season i can say)

will list all the problems here:

- how to avoid 2065 AI (probably i cannot believe its just a silly software) face recognition: paint your face as akeela...
seriously? servers that probably costs hundreds of million dollars and a simple face painting will make you invisible to them, not to mention ARE JUST A few SPOTS ON YOUR FACE not even a full face covering... yeah sure no wonder why in the future they need precogs... if the almighty face recognition programs are fooled by a bit of painting on the face... and dont even tell me that those spots are like the "key" face shapes or whatever and oscured it the software cannot recognize it... to get a 99-100% of identification the software must analyze 99-100% of the WHOLE face. not just a random part...
and btw, as in the movie is stated, there was no eye scanners everywhere and for that reason anderton whent trough an illegal eye swap??? why in earth do you need face recognition scanning the irises of the people???

- the memento mori plan: was so obvious they could have solved it up on the previous episode (09) memento mori was a cliche terrorist movement. the guy that allow himself to be captured, probably to explain the group reasons, said that they did this to salvage humanity from DNA tweaking. so the law enforcement instantly think "yeah they wanna kill everyone on USA" because as we learn, the only people on the planet exists in USA. not to mention to be intellient enough to allow, use and develop DNA tweaking technology and science... (nice way to try to get down worldwide ratings to try to get a new season...)

- agatha and arthur was truly evil, suddenly they become "nice" and decide to risk it all to stop an attack... they got in my nice side for like 5 minutes. after that, they converted wally into an abomination making him the killer... but thats coming up.
arthur its a though gang mafia guy untill andromeda, witch was allowed to say 2 full words, whispered of course, dies. then he becomes a p*ssy screamer. he sealed my opinion that they are abomination`s of spielberg original movie. he is a precog and was "happy trigger" to kill the DEA guy. because, sure if you kill a powerful goverment employee (even in shady bussiness) nobody will care apparently.

- the DEA guy in the episode 09 apparently was contracting the private security enterprise to track down the precogs, capture them and bring them into the milk bath.
in episode 10 we discovered the private security enterprise was actually hiring the DEA guy to sell the precogs to some evil goverment???
writters get your literal sh!t togheter, in the episode he actually said (the DEA guy) "i did it, for the future, and foremost of all, because i am a patriot" (seconds later) "but yeah financially i am doing great!" so this can be translated as "i am american and patriot, except if i can be filthy rich selling the most powerful seer`s to the best buyer..." american dream on 2065???

- wally was the only character untouched by this abomination of tv show, right untill this episode. not only we find out he is a tech genius that helped out into the milk bath creation, he had priors and was not proper for this kind of job. to top the cherry off this sh!t cake, he murders 3 corrupt DEA agents.

there is more but its over and i got bored of even think of this abomination.
i am so happy FOX cancelled it, that i will forgive them for cancelling tru calling (was a cool show) and i will even start watching more fox. aldo i wont love them too much since they greenlighted this abomination. i would have greenlighted the leaked pilot not the official pilot.

to finish, you can actually watch the offical pilot and skip to the episode 10 and there will be no difference. sure you will loose character development and backround development in the tv show. but since its all cr@p you really wont miss anything.

