MovieChat Forums > Code Black (2015) Discussion > this is a super RACIST show that intenti...

this is a super RACIST show that intentionally didn't hire any asians.

to all the racists who are reporting this, i will post this again. fighting against all racist pigs is an ongoing movement. I will keep on fighting for positive asian representative in tv shows and films in the usa. this has long been over-due. you can't stop me, and no one can. we asian americans think that oscar, emmys and others are always racist against asian american actors!

in 2016, black people are complaining that this year's oscar is all white. However, when was the last time that an asian person was ever nominated for any of the oscar award? should asians in the USA boycott Oscar forever?

for all the racists who report this post, i saved a copy. and every time i repost, i will write even more. and for the people who will respond to my message, save a copy, your message will be reported by racists, too.

come and join us at facebook: Asian discrimination in Hollywood

now these days, a tv show and a film don't usually say anything racist directly, but they can still be racist by replacing asian roles with white actors, or by choosing not hiring any asians at all, the subtle racist still exist everywhere, such as this tv show.

21 - one of the typical racist film that replaced white actors to play roles which were originally for asian americans. there are many old and current examples of racist directors and casting directors hired white actors to replace asian roles, such as: ghost in the shell, doctor strange, etc.

ER, the other medical tv show, it only had one asian female doctor for its entire period. many white and black "doctors" appeared in that show. now in this show, they did it again by not hiring any asian actors.

"the big wedding" is another racist example. the white director and casting directors hired a white man from uk to play a colombian american! it is no different than painting a white man's face to play a black man!

The original "code black" documentary has two main asian doctors, one is male, one is female. Neither of them was indian, both seem to be chinese american. and it didn't have any black doctors. and i didn't see any black nurses in it, either.

IS IT TOO "ASIAN" if this tv show has several asians as the protagonists? is it too much to see asian american doctors on tv?

in this racist tv show, i don't see any asian faces. there are plenty of asian medical students in los angeles and california. as a matter of fact, there are far more asian medical students, residents than black or hispanic medical students and residents. this is a reverse racial discrimination. why do black actors get hired far more often than asian actors? when was the last time an asian actor was nominated for any award?

los angeles is one of the big city that has lots of asian people. there are lots of asian nurses, doctors in all kind of hospitals. and los angeles county hospital has lots of poor mexicans, asians, blacks, illegals from south america, etc. how many asian patients have appeared in this show?

white people in hollywood think that diversity means to hire more black actors. this is very racist! especially for this tv show when the original documentary has asians. and in Los Angeles County hospital, they have lots of asian nurses, doctors!

this is very wrong, this is very racist. this show doesn't reflect the reality of los angeles at all. in other tv shows and films, maybe there are reasonable explanations why asian actors were not hired, but this show is racist against all asian actors.

someone said here that there are some indians, but when you think about asians, do you think about those non-asian looking indians? some of those indians have white skin, some of the indians have black skin. so when you see those indian actors in this show, did you automatically know that they are asians? when you look at obama, do you think that, he is just another white president (after all, he has 50% white genes.).

on top of that, there are asian doctors who are actually chief of staff, etc. does this show even have an asian nurse in it? as if asians were not even smart enough to graduate from medical school to become a resident in this tv show?

this racist show doesn't even have asian extras in it.

this is very shameful, very wrong, very racist.

i am posting this, so that the white producers can start making changes to hire asian actors to reflect the reality of asians in los angeles, in california and in the usa!

racist admins keep deleting my anti-racist heroic posts, so blame them for why i don't write replies


You are why these forums are closing. Hope you're happy about that.


At the yulin festival, throughout those days, these animals will be hung, burned, skinned, boiled, torched, dismembered, electrocuted and beaten...ALIVE..out in the streets for public view. But If that isn't bad enough, they intentionally torture these animals in front of the other animals in order to create even more stress and fear. The belief behind the torturing and slaughtering them while still ALIVE, is because the people of yulin believe the more adrenaline and fear that runs through the blood, the more tender and better tasting the meat will be. Why do they eat dog meat? Because they believe that if you eat dog meat it gives the men more sexual stamina, it will keep them cool during the summer's heat and it will ward off evil spirits.

The dogs are caged with other animals and are either skinned alive or bludgeoned to death in public before being turned into meat and sold on the street.

I'm not racist against Asians, but I do think a lot of Asians are savages and are not intelligent and compassionate people. A lot of Asians from China, Korea and Vietnam for example are uncivilized, barbaric and evil people because they continue to torture, kill and eat dogs. That's right, dogs are a food source for a lot of Asians and that's wrong and evil because not only do they eat dogs but they torture the dogs first before they kill them. Why do a lot of Asians hate dogs? I love dogs, they are great pets and companions and very loveable, emotional animals. I consider a dog to be a loved one and member of the family. Asians who eat dogs make me sick and I'm so glad that not very many soulless and heartless Asians are being used in mainstream movies or tv shows.

Just so you know, I'm actually against both racism and animal cruelty. I really believe the world would be a better place if there was no racism and if we all stopped torturing, killing and eating animals and became vegetarians.

