no me

I didn't really care one way or the other about Neal and Christa but Jesse is/was the heart of the show.

I loved the relationship between Jesse and Leeann. You could tell they cared about each other and worked together like a well oiled machine. He was the glue that kept everything together.


Is Jesse really leaving? I'm hoping Will changes his mind.


I predict that something will happen that gets Will to back off on his decision to fire Jesse. Code Black without Mama would not work for most fans. Watching Luis Guzmán in that role is the main reason I watch, though some of the other characters have grown on me, I have to admit. I still like Jesse a whole lot though. For one thing, I think Luis Guzman, who has typically played villainous roles, such as hardened criminals, was a great decision, "casting against type" if you will. It has proven that Mr. Guzman can act, and I enjoy the fact that Jesse is a topnotch ER nurse who knows more than anyone else about the ER at Angels Memorial. I think that's perfect -- it's nurses in a hospital who are heart and soul of everything. Of course, in addition to being an excellent, experienced, capable nurse in charge of the nursing staff in the ER on his shift, he's Mama -- and he's brilliant for taking on that function and expressing it in that way. The medical students, the interns and the residents are all still learning (not that the best experienced doctors and nurses aren't still learning), and what they have to do is difficult given the ridiculously long hours they work each week and in an ER that is that overtaxed. I love the way he makes it plain that he's their Mama, and when people in the family run into problems, they should tell Mama all about them so Mama can step in and help. That ER would be in serious trouble on that shift without Mama. So I have a strong feeling that the producers of Code Black aren't stupid -- they not going to get rid of Jesse and let Luis Guzmán move on to some other role and I can't imagine why the actor would want to give up his gig this early on. I'm hoping we'll get to see Will Campbell get his butt kicked, too -- I really hate egotistical surgeons who think they know better than anyone else. Typical surgeon attitude is "to cut is to cure" -- and there are lots and lots of times where a patient can be effectively treated by more conservative, less invasive means. Sometimes surgery is the best recourse, and sometimes it's the only recourse, but there are those surgeons like Campbell who think it's the only recourse. I also dislike Campbell for not affording a terminally ill patient with no hope of improvement the right to make her own decision to die before things get so horrendously bad that the suffering is unimaginable. He's one of those arrogant doctors who thinks prolonging the life of a terminally ill person is his prerogative.


I knew Mama would be back -- without Mama, there is no hope for Code Black. Don't get me wrong -- I love Leanne, and I like the other characters, too. But it's a family and when the people in the family need their Mama. Finally that arrogant egotist Dr. Campbell realized that. (I thought Jesse looked okay in chartreuse, actually. He won't wear it again, but seriously, when the ER is in code black and there are too many people at center stage, you can more easily find Mama color-coded in chartreuse.) Of course, the other thing Dr. Ego finally realized is that Jesse's the best nurse he could possibly ever have in that ER -- when the dreck hits the fan, Mama's your man. One of my favorite TV characters ever!


I'm with you. I agree completely the Mama is the heart of the show. Losing him is like losing the heart and soul of the show. His role demonstrated the vital role nurses play in the life of every patient and support of every doctor. His loss - if, indeed, he is really gone - will lose support for the show from nurses, and those who understand just how much a doctor can come to depend on an R.N.

Jesse and LeAnn are the heart of the show. They should being Jesse back - A.S.A.P.


Campbell telling Leann this place has humbled him then fires momma, he is really getting to me. The actor is great but they need to put his attitude in check, fast! He makes me not want to watch



I totally agree that they should not let Mamma go. He was/is my favorite character on that show. I also agree that the writers should explore each character's personal lives more. We, as an audience, need to get to know them as people in order for us to care about them and continue watching the show.

I was disappointed when they changed the format of the show from the first season. It was interesting to see how Krista and Neal were going to develop. I'm not a medical person, so I don't understand all the technical stuff, but I do enjoy the drama. Writers, please take note of our comments and make the necessary adjustments before you lose your audience for good.



it would really suck if Jesse is really fired.

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


I don't think an MD in charge of a hospital department actually has the authority to fire a nurse, though. I'm pretty sure that would have to go through the director of nursing.



Mamma is the nursing supervisor for the ER; however, he would report to the DON (Director of Nursing), not to Campbell. Nurses and Doctors have their own hierarchy in the hospital setting.


I am seriously going to be pissed if Luis is really gone. Mama and Leann make the show for me. If it's a money issue to pay Rob Lowe, then get rid of him. Not worth losing the heart of the show. Bad enough no moe Dr. Guthrie


I don't think Rob Lowe has anything to do w/this, especially the "more money" theory. Rob Lowe just isn't like that w/the "pay me more money to stay" crap. I think Guzman is an amazing actor and his character "mamma" is the HEART of this show along w/his "counter-part and best friend Leann Rorish aka 'Daddy'". I do think Lowe's character Dr. Col. Ethan Willis is a great addition but NO WAY could he take Guzman's place ... IF anything I could see Rorish/Willis eventually becoming romantically involved b/c they have that "certain chemistry" b/w them. BUT then I don't think Leann would be ready for that just yet. The writers/producers would be idiots to get rid of Guzman, and would lose A LOT of viewers if they did that. I also hate if Dr. Guthrie is really gone from the show, I love his character as well. I'm sick of Dr. Will Campbell, he needs to make things right and get Jesse aka "Mama" back! Leann would be lost w/o her best friend there. Mid-Season finales are suppose to be "intense", especially w/dramas like this type of show; I think all will be well.

They already got rid of actors from the first season who people liked, and recently killed off a very good potential character. I'm horrible w/names, but she was an actress who decided to become a doctor and she was killed by saving that little girl ... so ENOUGH w/getting rid of characters.



Perhaps people should be careful about what they say about an actor and Luis Guzmán in particular. If you say too much then he might get a better gig. Of course that would be good for Luis Guzmán or whoever it is that fans like. Quite often a show loses a character, not because the actor is fired, but because the actor gets more elsewhere.


Were people actually deliberating that Guzman would leave the show mid-season without any news from the writers?

One day in the year of the fox came a time remembered well...
