MovieChat Forums > Code Black (2015) Discussion > Penis Ring? Season 2-3 Spoiler

Penis Ring? Season 2-3 Spoiler

In episode 2-3 a guy comes in with an engagement ring on his penis. He was going to propose like that and it got stuck and had to be cut off. Is there really guys who have that small of a penis?

It just seemed so far fetched to me. Would she want to say yes to his proposal after seeing that little thing, lol. I really like the show but that didn't seem possible.


I'm sure he slipped it on before it blew up.... so, say she wore a size 6 or 7 ring? Yes, it would fit.


A size 7 ring has an inside circumference of 2.15 inches. If his flaccid penis is only 2.15 inches, he would probably lose a dick measuring contest with most 12 year olds.


well, let's admit that he's a couple of cans short a sixpack for doing what he did -- so i'm sure some "forced" action took place, as well.


Well Mr Penis Ring was back last night. Obviously he hasn't sharpened those crayons yet.


Whatever happened to him anyways? From what I saw, he was last seen crashing and being wheeled off. Did I miss what happened to him after that or was that the last that was show ?


He had priapism, which is an erection that won't subside, which was caused by his taking Viagra. In order to treat priapism in the ER they generally drain blood from the penis with a needle.


Okay...I must have missed that part.


He didn't have priapism, he crashed. So probably a myocardial infarction due to his taking of sex enhancers. They didn't show him after he crashed until the end.

One day in the year of the fox came a time remembered well...


When they showed him at the end they were removing a needle from his penis, to which he said "well it is good to have that gone."

They were draining the blood from his engorged penis.

He didn't have a myocardial infarction (a heart attack), he just passed out. The treatment for a heart attack is totally different than what they were doing. You had to listen carefully to the discussion at the end to really follow what happened.


They discussed his treatment? I didn't pay attention during that part, so I must've missed their tete-a-tete. I'll try to watch it again.

One day in the year of the fox came a time remembered well...


This is not the place to be discussing things like that but it truly was part of an episode.

Most people don't realize that a penis is muscle and a really strong one would be smaller than others when limp. If a woman wants a guy that can really perform in the sense of last long then a small one when limp is worth looking for. A man that has a small one when limp might have something to be proud of and could get wonderful appreciation from the ladies.

Most ladies don't care as much about penis size as you do. In fact, the truth is that many women, especially the young ones, don't want big ones. I apologize if the following is inappropriate but it has an important and relevant message.

The Sweetest Thing - The Penis Song
