MovieChat Forums > Numb (2019) Discussion > Ridiculousness and plot holes galore

Ridiculousness and plot holes galore

I'm just going to nitpick about some of the retarded things in this film. That said it was fairly entertaining and I don't regret watching it.

I'm curious how the old man had GPS coordinates marking where he hid the gold when he went to prison before GPS was available? MAYBE he could've marked latitude and longitude from a topo map for section of the area it was in, but not an exact set of coordinates.

How did a night of exposure to Will's socked and booted foot cause severe when the other people didn't have gloves or hats and only started having mild frostbite. Their fingers, noses, ears were exposed for two days and a night!!!

If it was so cold how did they dig up dirt with sticks, rocks and a crowbar, when permafrost would've made digging that box out impossible? I won't get into the ever fluid mobility of the chain that was buried 20 years. Also, how the *beep* were they dragging an ice cold chain with their already frozen, mildly frostbitten bare hands? I could chalk it up to greed, but I highly doubt Cheryl could've been doing that considering she was minutes away from dying of exposure.

Why would Cheryl poison a bottle of liquor in a bathroom? Literally how could she guess the trapper would consume it before heading off to find $20,000? She had no worries about him coming based off of a random assumption. To that note, if that was the trappers liquor of choice, I'm fairly positive he would've noticed the distinct taste of rat poison. Also, a poor man technically evicted didnt immediately head off at the prospect of $20k knowing there are four people in the woods that know about the money? No he decides to chill and drink his poisoned liquor.

Lastly, Will was in possession of stolen items including a gun. How was he not under arrest and under watch of the police? The officer talks to him and then leaves him!!

Just stupid *beep* that irked me.


Because its a movie not real life.

Why not just sit back and enjoy rather than disect and watch for every mistake!
Its a great film and better than almost any other thriller out there this year!

Its uncle Frank Kirsty!
Its time to play!

Soon, we will all have special names!


Because its a movie not real life.

Why not just sit back and enjoy rather than disect and watch for every mistake!
People like you amaze me and make me sad to know that people have lost that child inside.
The ability to suspend disbelief and just immerse yourself for an hour or two and leave the sad old world we live in behind!

Its a great film and better than almost any other thriller out there this year!

Its uncle Frank Kirsty!
Its time to play!

Soon, we will all have special names!


Because its a movie not real life and you are so obsessed with nit pickingyou havent checked your facts.

GPS has been around since 1973.
And have you ever dug in forest permafrost - I have - its tricky but a crowbar makes easy work of it as most of it is pineleaves and sticks.

Why not just sit back and enjoy rather than disect and watch for every mistake!
People like you amaze me and make me sad to know that people have lost that child inside.
The ability to suspend disbelief and just immerse yourself for an hour or two and leave the sad old world we live in behind!

Its a great film and better than almost any other thriller out there this year!

Its uncle Frank Kirsty!
Its time to play!

Soon, we will all have special names!


Bill Clinton signed a bill allowing people other than military to use gps. That was in the 90s. Average people did not have access to gps devices like we do now until mid 2000s. Unless the old man was connected and rich I highly doubt he'd have a gps unit.

Am I supposed to enjoy every movie with flawed plots? That would be stupid. I said it was entertaining in the beginning of my post anyhow so that point is squashed



“Lastly, Will was in possession of stolen items including a gun. How was he not under arrest and under watch of the police? The officer talks to him and then leaves him!!”

Because she wasn’t interested in arresting him. She was off to go look for the gold for herself with her accomplice on the phone.
