season 2 ?

will these show have a second season
or it ended with these 14 episodes


Season 1 has 12 episodes only, plus some OVAs that are out/will be out, you can check the list here:

Although it's highly likely that it will have a Season 2, it may only premiere next year, or maybe in 2018, it's unknown at this time.

You can always read the manga (not much development, but still a fair bit after what we saw in the last episode), or the original webcomic that has already covered what would be the 2nd season of the anime.

Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM?


season 2 confirmed and right now it's said to be ready by december.


Yes, it's already been confirmed for 2016, but anything other than that is pure speculation.

Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM?
