Are YOU *beep* KIDDIN' ME ?

This is a comedy !! And this is Anime ! Not US cartoon !
Western animation should be valued higher because they always have more sensical joke !
How come you guys imbiciles gave it 9.5 ?
A comedy (especially Anime) shouldn't reach higher than 8,0 !
Even that crap FMAB should only receive 7.8 after unlimited fillers it gave !
Are you guys blind, retarded, or what ?


Maybe you are the one that is blind, retarded or whatever the hell it is you are insinuating. Furthermore, FMAB doesn't have fillers, and the way you mouthed that anything that doesn't come out from the US is pathetic and mighty condescending, which might gave an insight on your personality over there.

And now, this anime is no longer taking the first spot. Maybe you are the one that downvoted this to oblivion. Perhaps you should cycled around a bit and think about the course that you wanted to take in your life because the road that you are taking right now doesn't bear fruit.


No but you ar blind ?


did you check your self before posting this + this anime is better (for me ) than some tv shows and anime in his only 12 episode so if you dont enjoy it its your problem


First off you seem to judge it to be bad just because it's made in Japan/Asia (which makes it an "anime") which is just retarded.
Secondly FMAB is a masterpiece that has no fillers I don't really know what you are talking about.
It is rated high because people enjoy it and it IS a good show even if it is a bit overrated (Just as many other shows imo)


Reported for racism.
This post stereotypes western animation as better than Japanese anime because the jokes are "more sensical". Stereotyping things like this is blatant racism and superiority complex.


what a crappy troll


So what that it's not a western cartoon, what's the problem? None.

Hating on a cartoon show because it's not western is really idiotic and childish.
