good but could be better

I love the action and the animation. But I feel the comedy aspect brings it down. I'm probably in the minority of this but I dont think it fits the show. I'm not saying it should be completely void of comedy, but I think it should be subdued and balanced more. A lot of times some cool stuff is going on and I feel they ruin it with jokes. Like for example, when the cyborg gorilla was explaining how the mad scientist was cloning himself and doing experiments I was actually intrigued by what he was talking about and it was stopped abruptly because Saitama doesnt like long winded speeches. Stuff like that. I wish it was more on the serious side.

Also, side note just for the record, goku could kick Saitamas ass. he cant fly, hes not nearly as fast, all he can do is fighting moves which he has zero real martial arts training for and while he can kill his enemies in one punch his enemies arent remotely as powerful as the ones goku has faced. goku could do the same, but he doesnt aim to kill and dbz was never meant to be over the top graphic. But just be sure that if they fought, goku could just chuck Saitamas ass into space and be done with him.


Sure, there's a cool factor to the fights, but first and foremost OPM is a comedy manga, so your feeling isn't right. DB was more or less the same, with an adventure touch to it. But you can't compare it to DBZ, which was mostly action and only occasionally comedy. If you've heard of it, it's closer to Kinnikuman, an 1980's farting superhero.


So much of the show is saitama not getting the prestige he clearly deserves, and a lot of the humor comes from him constantly getting glossed over; if there was no humor then every episode could be 5 minutes, monster shows up; he gets called, punches him, the end; I love the funny aspect of it.

Also, yeah I agree on the saitama vs goku issue, even though we haven't seen saitamas full potential, goku can destroy planets if he wanted to, so... Yeah


You sir are missing the whole point of the show..

Its never ment to be a serious anime show, heck it even trolls every anime out there.
That you even compare Goku to saitama is where you already see OPM wrong, saitama cant be beaten.. By no one, ever ! Thats the whole concept.. Goku would die in 2 hits, and im not even joking. Its because Saitama is more or less somthing that should not be in the series, but he is.. He is the ultimate form of kicking ass..

And there for also, Goku is human also.. The fact that he could breath in space in the battle of gods is somthing so utterly retarded.. He needs air to survive ! Heck he cant breath underwater ( shown in the Super series agianst beerus ) So there for he should not be able to breath in space..

But back to my point, if you think ONE PUNCH MAN is somthing like DBS.. You are so wrong, its a comedy for the people that dislike anime ( at least thats how i see it ) And trolls all the special name for combo animes ( fairy tail, naruto blabla ) I so freaking love it.. Thats maybe why you dislike it. Because its actually freaking laughable


It's not for people who dislike anime! It's for people who love anime.


You never saw ep 12, do you ?
Boros who's an ability to self regenerate and notably a planet eater and the ruler of the Universe (kinda same with Celestials and he could destroy a planet with a single punch) punches Saitama to the moon.
Saitama then jumps back to earth in 1.5 seconds and got bored, he eventually finishes Boros with single punch..
You are being smart alech and didn't watch most of it, kid. Deal with it.


Oh.. and you now what's better..
Saitama's 20% power could make him move nearly as fast as light.
He could create a wormhole with 100& power.
Ah forget it , you won't reply anyway.
