MovieChat Forums > Legends of Tomorrow (2016) Discussion > They Just Blackwashed Dr.Midnite....You'...

They Just Blackwashed Dr.Midnite....You've Got To Be Kidding Me.

What in the hell are they thinking ? Why is it DC thinks it's okay race swap a JSA favorite ? If they wanted more variety why the hell didn't they put Mr . Terrific, or better yet the female black superhero, Dr.Beth Chapel, otherwise known as DR. MIDNITE. Did the *beep* company that created her forget her completely ? Race swapping is lazy as hell, especially when they HAVE A BLACK DR.MIDNITE ALREADY.....Idiots. Worse has anyone seen their costumes ? Ugh, just.....terrible. Worse than last year....What else should I expect from a company so lazy that they created ANOTHER CHARACTER FOR FIRESTORM WHEN THEY ALREADY HAD THE ONE FROM THE COMICS ! We ( the fans ) watch this to see our favorite characters from the comics represented on screen...SO WHY DO THEY ALWAYS *beep* IT UP ! ......Damn, it's rough being a comic fan. Why can't they get anything right ? I'd have LOVED to see Dr. Beth Chapel as Dr.Midnite...but *beep* this race swapped garbage. Why didn't someone think of using Yolanda as Wildcat ? Why does DC keep screwing everything up ? All they need to do is read the source material !

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !



.....but they ALREADY HAD A BLACK DR. MIDNITE, a woman......Dr.Beth Chapel. Why is it the showrunners don't know their source material ???? Lazy, Lazy, Lazy.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !


A black woman would've been more diverse and wouldn't have been a change from the character mentioned above me.

Darth Maul: "He Lives"


God, stop complaining about nothing.

No wonder comic book "fans" have such a horrible reputation.

Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards. Don't feed them.


Oh, look...another fair weather "bull *beep* " fan it seems.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !


Because I don't care if a black actor plays a character on a TV show?



It's because you don't care if the show is " comic accurate. " The biggest problem withbthese shows is that they hire a bunch of morons who do not know the source material, and do not give it the respect it deserves.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !


Dude, if they are such morons and you are so intelligent and reverential of the "source material", why aren't you working on these shows?

Are you a writer or a producer?


Why ? Because my art keeps me busy enough.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !




And on top of hiring a black actor, the rumor is he's not even really blind. So now we're got an actor who can see playing a man who's blind, when there are plenty of blind or visually impaired actors that could have been cast.

Very frustrating.


Omg they couldn't even blind the actor? They don't care about the source material


Exactly! I swear to God, if they hire a white woman to play Jade, I'm done!


Yeah these morons better not whitewash or black wash Jade. Green actress ONLY


If you knew what I did, or how much I make a year, you would not laugh.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !


You complain so much about staying loyal to comic canon, but so many of you keep quiet when yet another canon Asian character is being portrayed by a white actor.


Don't Jûdgê a Boôk by Its Movîe


I've been one of those who are constantly raising hell about the Ghost in the Shell casting. I've complained about the Dragon Ball Z movie, the Avatar movie, and any other movie that whitewashes, blackwashes, or asianwashes established comic, anime, or cartoon charscters. I also believe most people abhor the changes, but just don't have the time to post about it. Having no children ( which I regret ) I have the time. So be it, I'll carry the torch if need be.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !


You millennials who think ranting on a forum or twitter is fighting the good fight are so cute.


I'm 46 years old moron. I just love the characters that much to expect DC to care just as much about accuracy.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !


I do not keep quiet, read by sig.

#RyanPotterForTimDrake #AsianBlackLightning


I agree, ENOUGH


Yeah, enough with the whining.


This is not Earth-0 in DC's comic book universe, but one of many alternate earths in the Arrowverse. Why is it so hard to accept that things are a little different here? And why does this only ever come up with regard to skin color? I haven't seen any complaints about Grant Gustin's brunette hair (the comic book Barry Allen is blond) or Tyler Hoechlin's green-brown eyes (Superman's eyes are usually blue).


I HAVE ranted about Grant Gustin, and the horrendous Ezra Miller not having blue eyes, and blonde hair. I don't rant about Superman on Supergirl because that whole show is complete *beep* If they want to do different ideas, so be it, but give us a comic book accurate portrayal FIRST. We long term comic book fans were the people who pushed, and nagged to get these movies made to begin with. The least that DC can do for long term fans is do a comic accurate portrayal of classic characters FIRST. Is that really too much to ask ?

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !
