MovieChat Forums > Stranger Things (2016) Discussion > Will they downplay MBBs sexuality in upc...

Will they downplay MBBs sexuality in upcoming episodes?

This is such an issue with young actors moving into adulthood in long running series. She's 17 and already a knockout. She'll most likely be 19 when filming the next season. Being a young hottie doesn't really work for her character, but I think she will outshine the other girls attractiveness to a point of distraction if they don't ugly her up a little. I'd like to see them embrace it and give her more of a femme fatale role in the future.


They don't have to ugly her down. And the hottie in the show is Cara Buono. At least for non-pedos...


Are pedos attracted to 19 year old women? I don't think you know what that word means.


YOU wrote "She's 17..."


Ok, still not remotely pedophilia (an attraction to prepubescent children) if you want to cling to that, since 17 or younger is the age of consent in most states. But besides that, I clearly was discussing her filming the next season, in fact I specifically said that, and I went further to point out that she would most likely be 19 at the time. Either you are still struggling to understand the definition of the word you used, or your looking for something be upset by, and failing in your logic in the attempt.


Without the makeup and lipstick she is rather plain looking in my opinion. A nice hair-do, makeup, and lipstick can do wonders for almost anyone.


Yeah, but that's most of Hollywood's beauty's. I disagree that it does wonders for everyone, although it certainly helps. Bone structure and physique are harder to fake, although a good stylist can do wonders. She is practically Elizabeth Perkins double, and she turned out pretty fine.


The only hot chick on this show is Winona Ryder. And that was in 1992.
