Her son...

I know he is just a child, but when he started complaining about her not being there. She is a freaking doctor.

"You don't pack my lunch...." Are you freaking kidding me? Yes, he didn't have details (2 years... the father taking her money that her parents left her...lying again again... deciding to go sleep with his mistress rather than go home to his son after "the dinner").

No, he didn't have all that info.. but it still pissed me off. Especially since boys tend to sympathize with the mother.. (girls with the father). He whined "its not all about money" which is funny considering the shady business dealings he father did. I bet if mother couldn't buy him the latest tablet computer and new soccer (football) shoes... he'd see differently.

As for people saying she "used" her child. I really don't see that. After "the dinner", the father should of gone home.. talked to his wife.. and they both talk to the child in the morning. However, he decided sleeping with his mistress was more important. When he woke up the next morning.... did he decide to go straight home? Nope.. He wanted to "shag" (as you British say).

At some point, it is NOT the other parents job to make things easy for the cheater. She sent her son there so Simon would MAN UP and tell his son what he had did...Yet.. HE STILL LIED. Put the child in the middle of it?? As if they can divorce and his father have another child.. and that could ALL be kept from the his son??

He even drove the kid to school WITH HIS MISTRESS WITH THEM.. and STILL face the music with his kid.


Exactly! You are right. He is a kid but he seemed so smart at other things couldn't he realize my mom is a doctor!


I loved Tom (character and actor both). Maybe he was upset because his Mom purposely hurt him by dropping him at house where Kate was.
Mother/Son obviously had a very strong bond and you see who Tom was with in the end..


Kids don't care what you do for a living, they just want you there. That being said, he was at the age where he should have been glad she wasn't around.


I think the reality is that speech Tom gave isn't one a kid his age has the self-awareness to understand and communicate.

I think they were both shitty to Tom, Simon for his deceit and Gemma for using him to manipulate and punish Simon.

On the other hand, I found nothing endearing about Tom the character or the actor who portrayed him.
