MovieChat Forums > Doctor Foster (2016) Discussion > Who thinks that the mistress.....SPOILER...

Who thinks that the mistress.....SPOILERs

Who thinks that the mistress was the most stupid person on the planet?

Most people would hesitate to have an affair with someone who is married. Look I know it's the person who is married who is more in the wrong but he kept up the pretence of being happily married to his wife and kid for 2 whole years.

Kate doesn't seem to realise that she is simply being strung along and used. If he really loved her he would have left his wife by now. She seems to buy his lies that he is such a good person (yeah the affair shows that really well) that he just can't leave his kid.

Plus he is much older, she is about 22 he is about 40. When I was 22 I wouldn't have looked at a person in their 40's.

She had her own place yet seemed to be living back with her parents. Was she so immature she just couldn't live by herself in the same small town?

She is so needy and the catty comments she made to Gemma about her age, and how divorce really suits some women shows she hasn't a clue about relationships.

Even after Simon hits Gemma she comforts him. Just what does it take for her to take the blinkers off?

I hope Simon cheats on her in a few years just to see how she feels. History repeats itself.

Does anyone think that she got pregnant on purpose? She was fed up waiting 2 years and decided to try to force Simon's hand?


I don't think she got pregnant on purpose although it is definitely possible.
I agree with you that she is extremely immature. Having an affair with a married man shows how immature she really is.
I personally do not mind the age difference, but obviously not in this case.
I don't understand why she would ever think he is a good person. He cheats, lies and manipulates everyone around him. How can one trust a man who has no word?! Even if the wife is a total witch, cheating on her shows his own bad character more than hers. We do not live in a time were divorce is not an option. And using the kid as an excuse is also stupid. No one wants to grow up in a home full on lies. Plus something like that will eventually come out. As good as he was, he couldn't have hidden it forever.
Unfortunately for the mistress, she is going to learn all that the hard why. There is no doubt in my mind he will cheat on her too. The guy has no values. She is going to end up alone with a child. Probably not right now but give it a few years. It's like Dr. Phil always says: "the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior".
In her case she brought that on herself so she would have no one else to blame.


"I don't think she got pregnant on purpose although it is definitely possible."

If you're having unprotected sex and you're not using reliable birth control, Hel-LO! you can expect to get pregnant. I'm thinking she may not have overtly planned it (to trap him or anything), but she was probably hoping it would happen.


She seems to be really young and has barely left home. Incredibly naive, but no excuse to have an affair. She seemed genuinely shocked to be pregnant though, but again it's because she is dumb and young.


but again it's because she is dumb and young.

Dumb and young and full of ###

I think its the ### that got her pregnant :)


It's a case of the pretty young syndrome. In her mind everything is going great and if it isn't it'll end up in her favor. As others said it's just young and naive thinking but that's all she knows. Give her a few more years and she'll learn a few things especially if she stays with Simon.


There are lots of stupid people, especially where love is concerned.

This is very believable.


My revenge fantasy which I would believe would happen 100% is that future argument where she'll be screaming, now I see what you out your wife through!!!

As my sister said to my dad's second wife when she complained about my dad's cheating, he cheated on my mom, why did you think you were different?


Oh I'm sure she will see the tale tell signs down the track. When he starts coming home late, lies run off his tongue with ease. He will smell "clean" after coming home late at night when he says he has stayed at work. He never meant to leave his wife in the first place, thought he could have it all, but his very young naive mistress put the pressure on him and the second thing he was delusional about is how did he think his wife wouldn't find out?



She was heavily invested in the idea that Gemma was a cold, distant bitch. I'm sure some of that was her own age-related myopia, but I'm sure that's a lot of what Simon fed her -- she's a bitch, she's cold, she's a shitty lay, which allowed Kate to totally buy into the idea that she was the opposite of all those things, kind, loving and an awesome lay.

But honestly, women Kate's age make awful relationship decisions out of ignorance/lack of experience and being misled by their own emotions or their partners, even when their partners are the same age. If you throw in an older man with the ability to manipulate them, it's easy to see why she's so invested in so many illusionary ideas.

Plus I think there's something to her character that leads her there -- rich and promiscuous, she's convinced she's more sophisticated than she actually is, and her favors belong with an older and more complex man who can appreciate her, not some young lad, laser focused on a 2 minute shag. She's had that, and there's nothing more there for her.
