"I'm a Wolf Tonight"

Such a Boss line from Doctor Foster at the Dinner scene


Loved that scene!



Gemma Foster to turn up at the Parks a week earlier. The penny drops, now that was very deviously planned.

That dinner scene kept me at the edge of the seat. The mother, father and the son just had to sit there and listen to Gemma gun fire bullets with her pent up anger and it was lethal.

Look upward... and share the wonders I have seen, John Crichton, Farscape


It was the perfect bad wolf scenario.

It's that man again!!


Dress like a dame.
Think like a man.
Hunt like a wolf.
Shag like a goat.

Go dr foster.


That was pretty amazing


I cheered when she said it. So badass!



Yes! You know how Shakespeare would use a rhyming couplet to drive home the point with a one-two punch? Idon't think I ever really believed it was true. I read it when I study Shakespeare in school that's what they told me it did but you know, you just don't know because you're looking at it on the page and you're going, "Here comes the couplet that emphasizes sizes the point ". I've seen the show a few times, I admit that. And that scene...many many times. But I think it was the second complete viewing when I realized they'd written in a rhyming couplet, "bitch is right/ And I'm a wolf tonight". and that is when Jones performance knocked my socks off all over again. Because I watched it a few times; but in no way does she deliver that line in a way that says "hey look I'm going to rhyme now or look, I just rhymed."
