MovieChat Forums > Doctor Foster (2016) Discussion > I know I'm old fashioned, but...

I know I'm old fashioned, but...

I really don't need to hear anyone urinating!

Yes, the posts about pearl-clutching, or watch Disney Channel and so on, just a pet peeve.


Hey I'm with you on that. But I must have blocked it out. I don't even remember the scene!

Hate is a lack of imagination.― Graham Greene


It was in Hour #2, hubby came home, went to the bathroom without closing the door. Good sound effects work, but gross!


Oh yes, thanks, now I remember.
🚽 

Hate is a lack of imagination.― Graham Greene


The actor tweeted that he "performed" that effect "live", no sound effect!


they think they're stretching the envelope.
anything goes today. it's a pity.


Has, I listened and thought swollen prostate.

You have to be married a while.

Mark my word.


THAT's IT! The director is telling us through his "stream" that he's still a stallion without any dysfunction so that we believe a young woman would be satisfied with him! I think you've solved it! And later she says he was better in bed than the neighbor. But the whole series didn't work for me because he was such a snaggle-tooth. She was the only good looking person in the cast, stretching my credulity. What on earth did she see in him?

I didn't see a lot of War of the Sexes baggage here. Women are more likely to leave a marriage, and men four times as likely to commit suicide in despair. It's not so much the scorn of a woman as scorn of a person. The impotent rage was depressing.


@lhwallerstein...TCHYAH! That sorry azz piece o'detritus WISHES he was a 'stallion's' piece o'snot....wot a pathetic disgusting, UN-appealing thoroughly repulsive sheeet...


Agreed. ")


@ Lanceus....TCHYAH!!! Dis-gust-o-rama!!! Did NOT need to be a party to that disgusting piece of television/audio!!! Vomiting is 'natural' as well, don't want to 'share'that, either!!!


Normally I totally agree with you. However, it was just so dang funny! Here she set up this huge confrontation scene, "He'll see the bags and in that moment, know what he's lost". So there she stands in the shadows, rum and coke in hand, all his worldly goods packed in the foreground. He comes stumbling in, drunk with a silly smile on his face says hi, goes to the loo and suddenly I realize I'm laughing. The second I started was when i hear the little splash on the linoleum. He comes out of the John trips over the bags, apologizes to them and stumbles up the stairs asking her to bring him a glass of water when she comes up. That is dark comedy my friends. And I didn't even realize how much I needed that moment after that incredibly intense scene between Gemma and Roz. Yes like you, I cannot stand gratuitous potty humor but in this instance it was just so perfect that I gave it a total pass.
