MovieChat Forums > Doctor Foster (2016) Discussion > Why on earth would she want to stay ther...

Why on earth would she want to stay there???

Everyone around her was either a lies or a cheater or both.
No husband, no friends, no nothing... Her life was a one big lie!!
Why would she ever want to stay in a place like that???


That is a great question.

If it was me I'd be out of there like a shot and take the kid with me.

But in the second last episode she talks about not letting Simon "win" and her friend Jack (Robert Pugh's character) says it's not about winning.

That is one aspect. She wanted to punish Simon as she gets to stay and he has to leave.

Also she has spent more than a decade building up a practice and has lots of clients, they may want her back at some stage.


I understand her point of view but I have to disagree!
Unfortunately, there is no way for her to win in this case. She lost her husband, her family and the best years of her life. Punishing him won't bring any of that back.
As for the job, I thought she was just in charge. I didn't know she build this place. But even if she did, I don't think it's worth staying there. Especially that her reputation is not as good as it was.
She has no family, no friends, all the sweet memories she has from that place are false - it was all a big lie!
Her husband cheated on her, her so called friends lied to her, her home was not real...
She is a doctor, she can easily find work anywhere she wants. I think her best chance for happiness is to get as far as she can from there and start over. Even if it's just her and her son she can still creat wonderful (and real) life for them.


And have her son have to say goodbye to HIS friends? It is hard enough his father is moving out (and moving on with a "slut" and another child).... but he has to adjust to saying "good bye" to all his friends also??

It is not only about not letting him "win"... is about she has enough on her plate already that she has to get used without rebuilding a practice, meeting new friends, and forcing her son to have move also.

Besides, at the end, she had her job... and you get the feeling she still had her friends (if you can all them that).. and in a way, she had a little power over them.. guilt is leverage. She could make new friends anyway, that lawyer... even that pill addict.

After re-watching the 2nd (or was it the third?) episodes, she explained why to her lawyer. Also, the son, in the 2nd episode asked his mother were they getting divorced mentioning a friend at school who's parents got divorce. He stressed that he didn't want to move, that he liked his friends and school.. and she promised that would not happen.


"And have her son have to say goodbye to HIS friends? It is hard enough his father is moving out (and moving on with a "slut" and another child).... but he has to adjust to saying "good bye" to all his friends also??"

It happens. People move. My family had moved 15 (yes, fifteen) times by the time I was thirteen years old. I grew accustomed to meeting other kids in the neighborhood or at school, starting to become friends with them, then coming home one afternoon to find a moving van parked in our driveway. You end up never having any real friendships, but it's not the end of the world.
