Do you think...

She will have an affair too with that neighbor? just to get even? I don't think so... though she definitely would consider it with the divorce lawyer 😀


I think there is an ulterior motive to all their behaviour towards her - trying to send her over the edge? Reasons, professional/sexual jealousy?

Don't be late, don't hesitate, this dream can pass just as fast as lightning.


I am highly suspicious of the co-worker "friend" yes. The way she covered up for the husband? the text messages warning him? She might be jealous and wants to get rid of her to become head of the practice, she could do it if Gemma finally loses it.


After 3 eppies now, the only thing I'm actually taking away from it so far is....

...the story of how a good person, a good doctor (until things began to fall apart), a good mother and an all around decent person just living her life in a way she thought was wonderful...

...suddenly begins find out that pretty much everybody around her in her life is a duplicitous and amoral person.

*Her husband has been cheating for more than 2 years with a woman barely out of her teenage years and has impregnated her.

*Her medical partner who pretends to be her friend knows about the affair, but says nothing. She also has been school friends with her husband, so we know where her loyalty lies. She also isn't a good medical partner, because she sexually harasses a young male doctor who finally has to complain in front of Doctor Foster.

*Her mother-in-law, whom we presume Doctor Foster loves, has known about the affair, too. And has said nothing.

*Her neighbors across the street, she thought were friends, have known about the affair, even going as far as dining out in public with her husband and his mistress. And further, the man, her husband's accountant, has been wanting to have an affair with her. Not exactly just a good friend/neighbor--but a guy with an agenda.

*Her husband not only has been having an affair, he has been draining the family coffers dry, including their son's university fund and Doctor Foster's inheritance from her parents.

*The accountant also has known all of this--the way the husband has put the family in deep peril financially, driving them to the brink, but has said nothing. Professional ethics perhaps, but it is yet another "secret" people Doctor Foster thinks of as a friend has used to as an act of betrayal and lies.

So it seems this is just now a story of all the ways a good person could live with betrayal on every side of her for years and years and year....and never know it!

And once she finds out the extent of it, she too kind of goes off the rails calling the solicitor's wife about his condition; using her friend to spy on Kate when she knows her young female friend has just had a terrible experience with a man (so Doc has used that in a way to get her to comply with the spying, etc.)

The once "good person" is now being corrupted and doing terrible things too--as a result of all the corruption and betrayal she has found herself in the middle of.

Terrible story. Doctor Foster's life once she married and got into this group apparently has been a total and complete lie--and she's just now finding out.

I think the writer is showing us what delusion and misrepresentation people can live with for years and have NO IDEA.


Excellent post! The impression I get is that none of these people ever let her in. Despite marrying one of them, working with them, living beside them she remained an outsider. It's fascinating to watch but also incredibly sad because up until the initial discovery she really believed she had it all. I'm beginning to think the best she could have done was take that advice of getting a divorce and moving somewhere else with her kid.



And I love the "hook" bit that nearly forces Doc to stay with the lying bastid because, as the accountant detailed to her, her entire savings, her inheritance, her house and everything she might receive as her share in a divorce, would ALL be lost if she pulls the plug immediately.

The husband's development project has to be finished, have the flats sold and all the loans paid off before he's on an even keel again--if ever.

(And we don't even KNOW who these dodgy loan sharks are that only go by some name from the Cayman Islands or summat--all may be lost anyway).

So now, here she is, twiddling her thumbs, trying to wait out the development's sale and success, whilst having to live with the sod.

But then...wait for it...she has the epiphany that she should keep trying for the sake of the family.

Oh dear. That's going to undoubtedly come a cropper....

(As we see in the previews for next week, Simon is up to his old tricks.)

I'm actually wondering also if Doc's colleague and old school chum of Simon's really wants Simon. She constantly tells Doc how lucky she is to be "loved." And for some reason cannot seem to forge a personal relationship of her own so far in life.

Could she be waiting for her unrequited love to be requited with Simon now? That's why she's done things to undermine their marriage?

Again, the old friends from the town forcing out Doc.


Argggg I hated that she wanted to give it another try, the guy is scum and does not deserve it! But, like you've said, what alternative did she have? losing all her money? even her kid's college fund gone? her home? the money her parents left her?

I don't trust her co-worker one bit and I don't see how Gemma thinks of her as a friend when she has had enough proof that this woman will always put the scumbag first. Her stopping by for drinks and her whole attitude while she visited does make one wonder about her feelings towards Simon. Seems like they have known each other for ages so yes I can see her having a crush on him and seeing this as an opportunity to have more influence because they share this secret.

Well at least Gemma is a doctor, she can work somewhere else and support her kid, she would lose a lot but can still hope for a better future. If she leaves Simon he gets nothing, he is a loser and he will never get another chance to sponge off a woman like he did with Gemma.


I think she wants the head of practice post in place of Gemma, plus she was well up for a bit of the other when she dropped in on Simon. Plus Simon didn't bat an eyelid when Gemma didn't come home - he wouldn't have known how long Gemma had been on the sofa I think. Something else keeps coming back to me - the partner in rehab said 'It's gone to your head' did he mean Gemma or Ros?

Don't be late, don't hesitate, this dream can pass just as fast as lightning.

